☆part one☆

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★hey this is the author here. i just wanted to add a few things before we start.★

★number one; this all takes place in the dream smp. this is a story with characters. these are not the creators, so please dont think thats whats happening.★
★number two; this is taking place in a "pacifist smp", meaning there have been no wars. itll make more sense as the story goes on.★
★number three; at the moment, i dont have a clear ending for this story. i did this in my free time with no intention of showing anyone. im not a writer, so keep that in mind while reading!★
★number four; there may be some sensitive issues later in this story. ill add warnings at the top, so be sure to check for that.★

★thats about it- i really hope you enjoy this story! im still working on it so if you really like it be sure to stay updated!★

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ranboo faced the sun, his eyes closed, his smile wide. he took a deep breath in, exhaling after he held it for a moment. it felt great. he finally snapped back into reality in time to see a familiar friend running at him.


tommy ran at full speed, and ranboo chuckled. he stopped, jumping into place in front of the tall half-enderman.

"h-hey.." he tried not to pant in hopes of looking cool.

"whats up tommy? how are you?" ranboo turned to the flowers beside him, bending down.

"so much better now that youre here buddy!" tommy exclaimed, watching as a bee landed on ranboos finger. he kept his hand as still as possible so he wouldnt scare it.

"tommy what do you want?" he asked with a sigh.

"WHAT?! nonono i dont want anything ranboo!! i just want you to know how great of a friend you are!"

the sun beat down over the prime path, tommy and ranboo feeling that heat of it. they were to the right of tommys small dirt house. ranboo stood up again, the bee flying away as he did. he looked down at tommy, crossing his arms.

"whaaaat!?!?" tommy groaned, annoyed ranboo had seen through him so quickly.

"all you have to do is ask. ill probably say yes-"

"can me and tubbo go out on a trip alone for two weeks starting tomorrow?"



"tommy im not letting you take tubbo away for two weeks without me-" ranboo jumped as two hands were placed on his waist from behind.

"hey sexy how are you~" tubbos face peeked from behind ranboos side, and tommy rolled his eyes with a "hey tubbs.."

"tubbooo!" ranboo patted tubbos head, his arm bending awkwardly for him to do so.

"hi cutie~" tubbo continued, and ranboo sighed, chuckling.

"tubbo please leave this for the bedroom. eugh." tommy made a gagging sound.

"the bedr- you know what? its better than other things we could be doing, so ill take it." ranboo talked to himself, his comments making tommy roll his eyes.

"yeeeaaahhh lets cuddle all night hot stuff~" at that, tommy grabbed tubbos arm, pulling him off ranboo.

"hey!! tommy put me down!!!" tubbo squirmed, and tommy shook his head.
"i dont wanna hear you flirt with my best friend any more."

"YOUR WHAT?!!?" tubbo stopped, standing up beside tommy, looking back and forth between the two.

"i was unaware of this.. tommy dont you think-"

"tubbo, youve been replaced by someone cooler and richer." ... "and taller." tommy interrupted, and tubbo grunted.

"okay well... i didnt want to go on that trip with you anyways." tubbo crossed his arms, and tommy growled, grabbing ranboos arm this time and leading him away. ranboo was hunched over a little, following tommy.

"uh.. bye i guess?" ranboo waved to tubbo, who stomped up to him, grabbing his opposite arm. tommy stopped.

"hes mine." tubbo pulled ranboo closer.

"no- hes mine" tommy pulled ranboo back.

"g-guys? couldnt we-"

"tommy let go!" tubbo interrupted this time, pulling harder. tommy now pulled at the same time, and ranboo looked around, not knowing how to fix this. he suddenly got an idea.

"here tommy.." he handed tommy a block of gold, who let go to stare at it.
he turned to tubbo, kissing his cheek.

tubbo glared at tommy, who stuck his tongue out back, ranboo in between them.

"is that good enough?"

"i could use another.." tubbo said, looking down shyly and pressing his index fingers together.


"dammit.." he sighed, annoyed his attempt at being cute was a fail.

"i could also use another."

"no tommy. i dont have that many." that was definitely a lie, but he wasnt going to tell tommy he was one of the richest people on the smp and risk getting begged for all his stuff. he wasnt good with peer pressure, and would easily end up giving in.

"okay well.. now what?"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN 'NOW WHAT'?? YOU CAME UP TO US GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO BITCH!!" tommy screamed at tubbo, who put his hands up.
"chill dude- i literally came to hang out. why are you being so mean??"

"im sorry tubbso.. i didnt mean it- really."

"its okay big man."


ranboo stood there awkwardly, messing with the ring on his horn, his tail swishing slowly.

"okay welp- im gonna head out." tommy suddenly turned to leave, the gold block disappearing into his inventory.

"really?? its only been a few minutes.." tubbo furrowed his eyebrows.

"see ya." he slouched over, hands in his pockets, heading back to his small dirt house.

"well.. okay then. why dont we go check on michael hm?"

"yeah okay."

ranboo took tubbos hand in his, tubbo intertwining their fingers. they headed towards their mansion, silent in their own thoughts.

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