☆part two☆

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knock knock knock knock kno-


ranboo opened the door to see tommy standing outside, shivering. snow swirled around him, the wind picking up and blowing his hair around. his nose, cheeks, and hands were red.

"tommy?" ranboo looked confused, and tommy shakily asked, "may i come in?"

"uh yeah.." he stepped aside, watching as tommy walked past him into their mansion.

"whats.. uh.. whats up man? you doin okay?"

tommy didnt answer, tilting his face up as he began to warm.

"ranboo whats- tommy..?" tubbo looked back and forth between the two, michael cradled in his arms, a milk bottle in his hooves. they were matching in red, checkered pajamas

"tommy!!!" michael squirmed to get out, oinking in frustration when he wasnt released.

"i.. i woke here..."

"you did??"

"yeah. i was all sleepin' and shit when i was woken up by fucking snow." he tilted his head down, fluffing his hair. water and bits of snow flew everywhere.

michael dropped down from tubbos arms, running toward tommy. "tommy!!" he jumped around at his leg, and he awkwardly bent down, patting his head.

"but.. but how? do you know how you got here?"


"jesus christ okay-" tubbo picked michael back up, handing him to ranboo.

"that is strange..." ranboo pondered.

"hey why arent you guys asleep yet?"

"uhm well michael didnt want to sleep tonight so we were making him milk to maybe calm him down." ranboo began bouncing michael gently.

"okay..? ... you guys arent pulling a prank on me are you?" tommy eyed the two, his mind still on how he ended up in snowchester, far from his home.

"no..? why would we?"

"i would. i didnt- but i would." tubbo grinned, and ranboo gave him a blank stare. he shrugged, knowing they all knew it was the truth.

"okay well then i dont know how i fucking got out there." tommy aggressively pointed to the window.

"well.. if you want to stay here for the nigh-"

"OH THANK YOU you are so so kind.." tommy shook ranboos hand, nodding in appreciation. when he didnt let go and continued talking, tubbo smacked his wrist.

"OUCH- tubbo what the hell man?!"

"get off my mans." he pushed tommy away, and michael yawned.

"ah- uh-" ranboo already knew what was coming.



as the two began fighting, ranboo quickly made his escape with michael to safety.

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