☆part eleven☆

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★hey guys! at this point in the story (technically the next part) is when i made a new notes because the first one started glitching. the only thing that means is that i dont have much more written. ill let you know when were getting really close to the end, but i havent had much motivation to continue, so well see how it turns out. anyways just thought id update you!★

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"CATCH ME!!!!"


ranboo held tubbo tightly against his chest, running from home to first base, skeppy chasing after the ball.

"tubbo- i dont appreciate you jumping on me right after i kick." he panted, still holding his friend.

"sowwy.... wiw you fowgive me...?" he asked, doing a baby voice and looking down in embarrassment.

"hmm...ill think about it."


"OKAY- okay fine. yes i forgive you."

"hey dream guess what me and ranboo made out twice before the game both times were started by him."

"thats.. thats nice tubbo." dream didnt know how to react.

"you are such a liar tubbo-" ranboos cheeks turned a pinkish shade, and he let go of tubbo, catching him before he could hit the ground.

"aaAAAHH-!!" he screamed, startled. "PISS OFF!!" he realized ranboo had caught him and was annoyed he had dropped him in the first place.

"hmm~" ranboo smiled, closing his eyes.

"RANBOO WATCH OUT-!!" tommy yelled as loud as he could, but it was too late. the ball flew into ranboos face, and he dropped tubbo, clutching his eye.

"SHIT-" tommy ran over, helping tubbo up.

"what the hell man?!?" tubbo made an annoyed shrugging gesture, and he shook his head.

"it was an accident tubbo i swear- ranboo are you okay?" he moved to help ranboo, who had his eyes clenched closed, his hand trembling over one of them. as everyone gathered to see if he was okay, he shook his head, stepping away.

"ill- ill be right back..." he gritted his teeth, running to behind one of the trees, sitting down against it.

"..crap..." he took deep breaths in and out, hot tears rolling down his cheek, the skin below burning. his hands were sizzling as he tried to catch his tears. he tried as hard as he could to hold it back- he never cried. however, his attempts at keeping calm were futile. so he closed his eyes, his head tilted down, waiting for his body to calm down.


as soon as he closed his eyes he was interrupted by a distressed voice.

"tubbo-" he put his head down lower, attempting to hide every trace of burn.

"is everything okay?" he sat down in front of ranboo, placing his hand on his knee.

"..yeah.." suddenly he did feel like crying, and more tears than before began welling up and slipping down onto the grass. the sizzling got louder, the pain got more intense, his walls began collapsing. he reached out, pulling tubbo into a tight embrace. he cried into his neck, squeezing him tightly.

"woah woah- big man whats-" thats when he remembered. ranboo shook his head, burrowing deeper into tubbos neck. gripping his shirt. he felt so absolutely weak compared to those around him.

"everythings okay.. nobody will come over- i made sure." tubbo tried his best to help his friend. he could tell how much pain he was in, and his heart hurt just thinking about it.

all his pent up anger and sadness and rage all spilled out in permanent stains for everyone to see. his mistakes laying the pathways for faults, the lies he told himself so often walking he trails.

they sat like that for five or ten minutes until ranboo moved back, covering his face and wiping his eyes. "...i-im... im so sorry....." he whispered, and tubbo shook his head vigorously.

(authors note! this next paragraph has descriptions of wounds! if you arent comfortable reading that you can skip to the paragraph after :))

"ranboo you need to let your emotions out. its not good to build them up because then things like his happen." he gently took ranboos hands from his face, tilting his head up. bright red and green marks streaked down ranboos face, blood dripping from the wounds. his hands looked about the same; as though someone took a knife, dipped it in ink, then scratched him. it was red and raw around the areas, making it hard for tubbo not to flinch.

"its.. s-so.... so hard...." he didnt know what he was even saying himself. tubbo smiled gently, wiping the tears away.

"i know. you shouldnt have to go through that." he stood, taking ranboos hands and lightly pulling him upwards. he stood, hunched so his head was down. as they began walking away, tommy silently moved forward.

"tubbo-?" he asked, confused as to why they were leaving.

"tommy what did i tell you-?!" tubbo turned, his face contorted with anger.

"i thought-"

"you thought wrong. i told you to go. maybe listen when your friend asks you of something instead of doing what you want."

"i just wanted to see what was going on!" tommy sounded sad and confused, his intentions for the best.

"tommy you n-" before tubbo could finish, they were falling in the snow.

"wha- tommy-? ranboo?!" ranboo was in front of him, the amount ender particles around him had gotten much larger, but was shrinking by the second.

"im sorry- i couldnt take it..." he looked down into the snow.

"no its- its fine-"

"when i get overstimulated or nervous i teleport." he cut him off to explain, and tubbo nodded. he had learned a lot about his friend within the past two days.

"we should probably go home then, since were here."

"you can go back if you want to-"

"you think im an idiot? im not leaving you alone ranboo."



"...if you say so....."

ranboo stood slowly, his whole body sore. he was extremely tired, even though he hadnt gotten anything done that day. tubbo stood as well, taking ranboos hand in his and walking him to the mansion. he leaned heavily on tubbo, feeling weak.

"phil?" the door creaked open as ranboo and tubbo stepped through, looking around for phil. he got up from the couch, stretching his wings and yawning.

"hes asleep in his room- you two were gone for a while so i put him to bed." he walked past them outside. tubbo nodded, waiting until the door was finally shut to take ranboo to the bedroom. by this point, ranboo was half asleep, and tubbo sat him down, carefully unbuttoning his shirt and taking his shoes off.

he got cream and bandages, carefully cleaning his wounds. the worst part was that he couldnt rinse it or itd just burn him more. he quickly got changed, turning off the light and getting into bed beside his ender-friend. he gently pulled him closer, holding his hand and drifting off as the sun began to rise.

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