☆part fifteen☆

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★okay so a few things- number one, this cut randomly from the last one so reread that if you dont remember what happened itll make more sense.★

★number two, i actually wrote a lot after this so probably five or so more chapters to come? youll have to deal with my random spurts of "im going to finish this!" and then dropping it soon after so i apologize!★

★number three- thank you so much for all the love on this so far. especially on update! you all have been so patient and nice and it really means a lot to me. im going to keep uploading more parts so keep in touch with that!★

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-at that michael began crying, tears welling up in his eyes and falling into his lap. ranboo came up behind michael and gently massaged his shoulders.

"itll be okay buddy. we can talk about this later." michael nodded and sniffled as he wiped his eyes. ranboo picked him up, noticing tubbo giving him a strange look.

"everythings okay. i just didnt want him to continue to cry. well get him back to normal." he whispered quietly into tubbos ear who nodded. they all turned back to this kitchen to see quackity and karl standing in the doorway.

"uh.. we werent spying...." quackity looked around nervously.

"yeah we just didnt wanna interrupt." karl added with a lopsided smile. ranboo nodded.

"hey actually i have to go out today would you mind watching michael for a bit while im gone?" tubbo turned to ranboo who tilted his head to the side, the chains attached to his ears jangling as he did.

"sure i dont mind!"

"thanks boob~" he pecked his cheek as he went to put his coat, gloves, boots, and hat on.

"wha- WHAT THE HECK I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!!!" ranboo fumed, and michael giggled.

"actually we should get going as well..." karl and quackity awkwardly slipped away, and he shrugged, turning his attention to michael and smiling.

"its just me and you now. what do ya wanna play?" he asked and michael immediately knew.

"blocks!!! block tower!! block tower!!" the small boy chanted, and ranboo nodded, his tail swishing as he headed to michaels room.

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"okay thatll be ten diamonds." captain puffy held out her hand and tubbo dispensed the diamonds.

"pleasure doing business with you." he grinned, pulling the bag of his newly purchased items off the counter. captain puffy chuckled, waving as tubbo opened the door and left the small store.

"tubbso!! tubmister!! howzit going big man?!"

"oh- hey tommy! im good." tubbo smiled at his friend.

"i said howzit going not howre you doing... ooh whats this? you got some- hmhm- substances..?" tommy grinned, peering into the bag tubbo had in his hand.

"i wish! no i had to get some stuff for ra- uh- my wounds." tubbo immediately cut himself off from saying ranboo as the memories from last night came flooding back. tommy had probably forgotten by now, but he knew he was upset about tubbo pushing him away when all he wanted to do was help. and if he told him ranboo had wounds he might suspect it was from when he kicked the ball in his face and blame himself.

"hm.... well okay! i was actually on my way to see phil so ill see ya big t!" tommy, oblivious to the panic that began overwhelming tubbo, set off in the direction he came from, turned around, and began going towards phils house.

"phew..." the half goat sighed in relief as tommy disappeared behind a building. he himself then began heading back to the mansion.

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