☆part three☆

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tommy and tubbo were draped on the ground, panting. they were both sweating and tired from their scuffle.

"wait..." tommy sat up. "were the hell did ranboo go?"

"shit-" tubbo stood up, quickly heading towards michaels room. he had promised he would put michael to sleep tonight, and suddenly felt terrible. tommy followed, shushed when he began asking questions. annoyed, he went silent.

tubbo stopped in front of michaels room, placing his hand on the doorknob. he quietly and gently opened it, immediately stepping back.

ranboo was on the floor, michael cradled in his lap. the piglin had fallen asleep, but ranboos eyes remained open wide as though he was staring. they were also a bright purple, unlike his usual green and red. he was also a lot taller, his clothes much smaller on him than before.

"what the hell..?!" tubbo stepped forward, a look of confusion on his face.

"t-t-tubb..bb.." his mouth had spread to the sides of his face, drool connecting the top and bottom like strings.

"WHA-" tommy jumped back, covering his mouth when he realized michael was asleep.

"could you.. could you let michael go and we could talk out here?" tubbos voice was calm and gentle, difficult to maintain seeing as he didnt feel that way at all. he didnt know why he acted this way, but it seemed like a natural instinct, not that michael was in danger, but tubbo had no idea what had happened to his friend and feared the worst.

ranboos head turned to the side as he looked down at michael and back up at tubbo. "r-raaanaanb-boo.. l-lik-ke tu-bb-b-bo.." he stood, luckily not hitting the ceiling. michaels room was big so he had lots of room to play. he gently placed michael in his crib, pulling the blanket up. hunched over, he walked out, and as soon as the door was closed, tubbo grabbed ranboos arm forcefully and pulled him back into the living room.

"what the HELL are you?! what the fuck happened to you??" tubbo glared at ranboo, who stared back with a blank expression.

"i-i-mm ra-raaa-ann-nboo.."

"YOURE NOT THOUGH!!" tubbo yelled, making ranboo cover his head.

"a-a-aaa-amm...m.." he said quietly with a nod, and tubbo let out a frustrated sigh.

"i dont know what kind of fucking demon possessed you, but youre not fooling anyone. you should leave before i... i uh... i tell philza minecraft."

tommy stood silently in the corner, listening. he was extremely confused and decided not butting in would be safest.

ranboo simply shook his head with a whimper. he didnt like being yelled at at all, and suddenly, a sizzling noise was coming from him.

"what the-"

hot tears burned ranboos cheeks as they slid down, and tubbo suddenly felt terrible.

"tubbo- what the fuck did you do?!" once tommy knew it was safe, he walked up behind one of the couches.

"i just thought-"

suddenly there was a purple light swirling from ranboo, covering him just enough so he could shrink back to normal size, his new traits disappearing.

"t-tubb.. tubbo?" ranboo blinked a few times, tears still sizzling down his cheeks. "why am i-"

"SHIT I DIDNT MEAN TO-!!" tubbo covered his face, shaking his head in distress. "please tell the other ranboo i didnt mean it.. im so sorry.. i thought.." he moved toward ranboo and pulled him into a hug. confused, he didnt fully hug back, looking over to tommy for an explanation.

"you turned all tall and shit and tubbo was mean to you- or uh.. the other ranboo..?"

"you mean-" ranboos eyes grew wide. "..oh no...." he whispered, and tubbo stepped back.

"tubbo... i didnt..... i might have some explaining to do...." he wasnt prepared for it at all, but realized he had been found out and could no longer keep the secret. he sat tubbo down, allowing tommy to listen in as well. 'enderwalk', as he called it, is almost like a switch of personalities, but his body changes as well. his enderwalk state had never done anything bad that he knew of, and spent most its time wandering off (especially at night) and discovering new things. they didnt share a personality or consciousness, but with context and different clues, ranboo could tell when hed been out.

"nonononono..." tubbo groaned, putting his head in his hands again. "i was so mean to him....."

"yeah you fucking were tubbo- i hate to say it, but someone has to; you were being a wrongun." tommy eyed tubbo.

"NOOOO NOT A WRONGUN!!! ranboo please bring him back so i can apologize? please?????"

ranboo nodded, and after a moment, the purple began swirling around him again. they tried to watch the change, but it seemed to cover his just enough so they couldnt. ranboo was tall again, trembling and shaking now.

"ranboo- er.. other ranboo..? uhm..."
"i would apologize now tubbster-" tommy said through his teeth, watching ranboo walk backwards, shaking his head as tubbo stumbled over his words.

"okay- ranboo... im really really sorry.... i didnt mean it. i thought you were evil and i didnt know where the uh.. other ranboo went. i was just scared," ranboo stopped, listening, "and i feel really bad for yelling. i really didnt mean anything i said." tubbo smiled, holding his hand out. "could you ever forgive me?"
ranboo nodded, and began inching closer to tubbo.

"thank god.." he sighed in relief. "wait big man.. what are you doing..?" ranboo was now in front of tubbo and had bent down super low to be face to face with him.

"t-ttt-uuuu-bb-bb-bo..." he wrapped his arms around tubbo, his hold extremely gentle, nothing in his movements sinister whatsoever. tubbo awkwardly hugged him back. he finally stood back, changing again for the fourth and final time. ranboo blinked a few times, coming to. he stayed silent for a moment, nodding before he smiled.

"thank you tubbo. he really appreciates it." ranboo pulled tubbo into a hug, who hugged him back happily.

"i...im..." he paused, yawning, "im glad.."

"it sounds like someones tired." ranboo took tubbos hand, who yawned again in response. he bent down, picking tubbo up bridal style.

"alrighty lets get to bed. tommy-"

tommy was sitting on a chair, soft snores filling the now quiet room. ranboo smiled, carrying tubbo to their room. he set him down on the bed, climbing in bed beside him.

"mm.... goodnight baby~"

"tubbo how do you still have energy for this?"

"what do you.. yawn ....mean? its natural at this point."

ranboo chuckled until he felt arms wrap around him, tubbo pulling himself closer. he put one of ranboos legs in between his, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers.

"t-tubbo..?" ranboos cheeks grew warm, his brain completely shutting down.

"n..night.. sexy...." tubbo whispered as he fell asleep.

"....goodnight toby." ranboo chuckled to himself, closing his eyes and getting some rest of his own.

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★hey! its me, the author again. i just wanted to remind you that whenever i make tubbo and ranboo flirt at all, its almost always in a joking manner. this is also THEIR CHARACTERS. which are also cannonly married on the smp.★

★thats about it. thanks for reading so far if you have been- this is going a lot better than i predicted. ive been having to change a bunch of stuff before posting because i wrote this a while ago, and i was really lazy about it as well. but yeah!★

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