☆part ten☆

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★hey everyone! just a quick note- theres going to be some romantic scenes in this bit- NOTHING BAD WHATSOEVER EW but this part is very love heavy so just remember this is all in good fun and is all platonic!★

★oh also- this is probably my favorite part so far so yeah!★

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"i dont think hell be out here tubbo-"

"i know that."




tubbo had led ranboo to a secret pathway, a spot invisible to anyone outside the small clump of trees. a lone bench sat on the ground in the middle.

"why are we here tubbo?" ranboo asked, and tubbo silently stood on the bench, signaling for ranboo to get closer. he gasped.

"TUBBO!!! youre finally tall!!!!! is that what you wanted to show me??" ranboo asked his voice loud and sarcastic. tubbo growled, trying pushing ranboo back; instead, almost falling off the bench. ranboo caught his sleeves, pulling him back up.

"okay can you just tell me why you brought me here? theyve probably found wilbur by now." tubbo shook his head, motioning ranboo closer. again, he came closer. this time tubbo clutched the flannel on ranboos shirt, standing on his tip toes and tilting his head to the side.


before he could finish, tubbo had placed his lips on ranboos, planting a soft kiss. tubbo tried to get ranboo to kiss him back, but he was frozen, too shocked to move. annoyed tubbo pulled away, wiping his lips.

"you asshole.." he jumped down, heading back the way they came.

ranboo stood silently, unable to follow. his face was bright red, the purple ender particles around him buzzing, his tail swishing slowly. that was the first time tubbo had ever done that- that was the first time anyone had done that as a matter of fact. after a second, tubbo came back, tugging on ranboos hand.

"hey- nows not the time to daydream big man we gotta go." ranboo began walking, still staring off into space.

"tubbo- wait-" ranboo stopped, blinking back into reality.

"what?!" he sounded rushed, even though he was the one who started this.

ranboo leaned down, gently moving the hair sitting tubbos cheek away, kissing him gently. he stood straight again, his heart pounding. now tubbo was stopped, glued to the ground.

"damn... is it sex time now?" he asked, and ranboo snorted, covering his face. "way to ruin the moment tubbo."



"big q!!" tubbo exclaimed as quackity stomped up, leaning on a tree, panting heavily.

"we found wilbur and then realized you guys were gone so we had to find you and i heard you talking in here and-" he stopped, looking at the two. ranboos face was entirely red, his tail between his legs, his hands on his face. tubbo stood beside him, grinning.

"..were uh.... were you two.. busy..?"

"no were okay- ranboos just being a little shy."

"tubbo... please......" ranboos voice was muffled from his hands.

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