☆part seven☆

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★this part contains mention of abuse, overuse of alcohol, abandonment, blood, etc. it doesnt go into too much detail but it is mentioned, so if you suffer from any of these and/or are not in a good place mentally, skip until chapter nine.★

★like ive said, this character is not supposed to be schlatt. this is using his character in a different timeline. in no way am i saying he would do this/not do this. this is all fiction.★

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schlatt, who had lived quietly in solitude for years, had gotten an unexpected visit one day.

"hm-?" he stood, scratching his head of thick, curly brown hair. he walked to the door, preparing to yell at whoever came to bother him. instead, there was a cradle at the bottom of the door with a small baby boy inside.

"the hell..?"

it was like a dream, or one of those dumb little kid shows that hed flip past on the television. but the little boy staring up at him, cooing softly to himself, proved this wasnt a dream.
and so schlatt was a "dad".

the tag on the cradle called him toby, but he decided tubbo sounded better. tubbo had rich, chocolate colored eyes and soft red cheeks. even for a baby he had dark, curly brown hair like schlatt. on the top of his head were two bumps in his skin, clearly where horns would grow in. schlatt would know.

he wasnt a great father, but he tried his best to make tubbo happy. sometimes he wouldnt feed him if he was too tired. sometimes he would get drunk and stay in his room all day. but it was never too bad.. until one day.

tubbo was playing outside in the snow, schlatt watching tv inside. hed told tubbo if he needed anything to come in and get him. tubbo had also gotten to the point where he wanted to do everything by himself with nobodys help. but even schlatt knew hed get too cold and come in after a few minutes.

an hour went by.

schlatt realized this, sighing as he got up.

"KID?!!?" he called, annoyed he had to go out in the snow.

"TUB-" he stopped, his eyes widening.

on the ground below him was tubbo, the snow around the boy bright red. he laid face down, his body shaking.

"WHAT THE FUCK-?!!!!" schlatt rolled him over, checking his heartbeat. he was freezing to the touch, but still alive.

schlatt brought him back in, and took off his clothes. he gritted his teeth, hot tears rolling down his cheeks as he cleaned tubbos wounds next to the fire.

he wasnt a dad. he would never be a dad. his "son" had almost just been killed by a bear, and he was busy watching tv instead of saving him.

and so, schlatt wasnt a father. instead he pushed tubbo away, drinking every day and night until he would pass out, yelling and hitting tubbo, beating and bruising him.

and tubbo never knew why. until one day when a lady came to the door. schlatt answered, and she talked into his ear for a moment before stepping in. he rolled his eyes, muttering to himself.

after looking around she leaned down and took tubbos hands, asking for his name and questions such as "are you happy here?" and "does your dad treat you well?". he answered reluctantly, and the woman stood again. he watched as she talked quietly to schlatt. this time he began getting angry, and they suddenly began arguing.

"im taking your son. hes not safe here." were her last words before gently picking up tubbo and taking him away. forever.

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