☆part four☆

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ranboo was the first to awake, yawning as he rolled over to face tubbo. luckily, he hadnt woken him up, his goat friend still snoring quietly. he laid there for a minute before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and getting up.

he passed the living room, expecting to find tommy asleep, however this was not the case. all traces tommy had been there were gone. ranboo shrugged, heading into the bathroom to get ready.

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ranboo took off his shirt, stepping into the closet to find one to wear. as if on cue, tubbos voice cut into his thoughts.

"holy shit... this is the best thing i could have woken up to!" he yawned, and ranboo sighed, backtracking out of the closet.

"tubbo please-"

"cmere hottie le-... wait... what the hell? wait ranboo- come here." tubbo sounded serious, and ranboos eyes widened. it had totally slipped his mind- and now he had no choice but to explain it. he slowly walked over to the side of the bed.

"what is that?!" tubbo asked, pointing to ranboos chest. there were a few scars, all very similar to the ones on his cheeks. tubbo had always wondered how he got them but never cared enough to ask. ranboo sighed again, shaking his head.

"tubbo- its nothing.."

"dude im serious. tell me what they are. because you have them there too-" he pointed to ranboos cheeks and neck, "and they dont look natural."

"mm..." ranboo turned away for a second before turning back and sitting on the bed next to tubbo.

"okay. well. the thing is-"

"this isnt another 'i have multiple personalities and one of them makes me look evil and scary but is actually chill' kind of thing is it? cause you seem to have a lot of secrets you dont want me to know."

"tubbo no- its not like that... its just.. okay, so uh- basically, my body isnt physically capable of crying without myself getting hurt in the process. and.. the same goes for other peoples tears as well."

"....OHHHH that makes so much sense i cant believe i never realized!!"

ranboo sighed in relief until tubbo began talking again.

"...wait, if tears hurt you and thats what those.. scars......" he suddenly realized, his mouth going down in a frown. ranboo had expected this.

"you mean.. wait ranboo... how.." his eyes widened. "oh fuck.. wait holy shit- nononono i di-"

ranboo cut tubbo off, placing his hand on his leg.

"tubbo- you didnt know. i let you. and i dont regret it at all."

tubbo shook his head. he suddenly felt awful.

a while back, when tubbo had found out tommy had died, he spent days in bed, and ranboo stayed close to his side almost the entire time. tubbo had cried into him numerous times. maybe he was making it up, but he thought he heard soft sizzling coming from below him wherever he cried. but his crying mostly covered up the sound.

this of course, was the first time any of them had figured out they had multiple lives, and tommy promptly came back a few days later. its still a mystery how many times they can 'die' until they truly died, but karl had been really interested and was experimenting to try and figure things out.

"that makes so much sense but- ranboo why? why did you endure that for me??"

"because i love you tubbo." the answer was plain and simple, and tubbo stopped talking.

"you would do the same for me wouldnt you?"

tubbo didnt know. hed never been in that kind of situation before.

"im still sorry..." he looked down, and ranboo lifted his chin up gently. "dont be upset alright? i promise everythings okay."

tubbo looked ranboo in the eye, then frowned deeply. "big man are you hitting on me?"

"wha- oh my gosh TUBBO-!" he turned away from tubbo, shaking his head. "literally not everything is me hitting on you man.."

tubbo burst out laughing, and ranboo stood up. tubbo pulled on his hand as he was walking away, and ranboo turned back.


tubbo grinned, placing his hands gently on ranboos bare chest, making his whole body tense up.

"wow ranboo.. look at those muscles... i definitely married the right kind of guy~"

"wh-what the heck is that supposed to mean?!" he pushed tubbos hands away, who bit his lip in response.

"i hate you. i- i actually hate you."

"awweee i love you too babe!"

ranboo went back to the closet, pulling off the shirt he was originally going to take, and putting it on quickly.

tubbo yawned, wiping his dark, curly hair out of his eyes. he soon found this was pointless as the hair slid back to where it was. he decided to get out of bed, heading to the bathroom to change.

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