Chapter 25

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Amity's POV:

Keep running keep running keep running-

The words repeated over and over to me.

You can do it! You can! Mysterious voice of encouragement. Couldn't we all use that.

To bad for me it was no mystery. Just my head. My stupid mind that would never shut up.

At this point I was just running off of fumes. All my stamina was gone, my feet hurt, I could barely breath, it was just horrible.

"Amity." A deep, siren like voice called out to me, only making me run faster.

"Amity stop running from me." It called out again.

With every word the voice spoke, the more my heart seemed to hurt.

Don't listen to it, it's a trap. It hasn't to be a trap. It's a trap.

I'm going to get hurt if I stop.

I trust Luz, she has a plan, she knows what she's doing, she's done this so many times before. Luz will protect me.

It's not like I can't protect myself, it's more that this dude was able to faze Luz, take no reaction to very strong punches, and has knifes.

My weapon at the moment, is heels. Unless I can somehow stab him in the eye through his mask with my heels, I think it's the most reliable option.

But Luz will stop him. I'm going to be okay.

"Amity stop running, now." With those last words from the voice, my lungs felt as if they collapsed, and I suddenly stopped running.

Stopping have my body the time to realize how tired I really was. I started gasping and chocking for air.

My pulse was so loud that it could be heard from miles away, while the beat could be felt strongly through my neck.

"Come with me Amity." The voice repeated in my head over and over.

At least I think it was in my head.

I saw flashes of blue in the alleyway next to me. And as fast as they showed up, they disappeared. The look of it almost being alluring.

I don't know what got in my head, or what kind of force took over me, but it was almost like my body started moving on its own.

Slowly, I took step after step towards the alley.

"Follow my voice."

Every time the voice called out to me, I fell deeper and deeper under its power.

I paused in my spot, staring down the alley with deep intensity.

The blue lights flashed again.

"Just one more step Amity." The voice almost became deeper with every word spoken in that sentence.

I lifted my foot up, getting ready to just walk into the infinite darkness. To walk into the black abyss that stood head of me.

The sounds of car horns and shoes tapping could be heard from behind me, quickly being washed out with the blood roaring through my ears.

People were looking at me funny as they passed, chatter was around. Snickers could be heard.

I started to feel myself panicking, just like how I did that one day I was at school.

But Luz isn't here, she's not with me.

The sounds of kids laughing became frighteningly loud as I felt the darkness starting to stretch out towards me.

This whispers wouldn't stop, they only got louder and louder until my lungs felt more and more compressed, all the running I did still keeping my heart beating still keeping me from being able to calm down and let my brain start to function normally. Everything in my body felt numb, by hands were shaking and I felt nothing. Nothing but the darkness.

Nothing had a feeling to me anymore but the darkness.

The closer it got to me the more it felt as if it were a real object, swirling and twisting in the air, fighting against the light to see which one would take up more space.

As it all got closer to me the strands of darkness, grabbed at my limbs like prices of its own dark thread.

Strings that slowly tied itself around me making it harder to pull back.

"One more step Amity."

The voice echoed, sounding deep and hard to understand. The sound of voice sounding like broken plates to my ears.

A constant and ear defaming shrill filling my ears as the same deep voice said the same thing over to me like a dark whisper in my ear, the strings of darkness slowly becoming ropes.

"One more step." It called again and again.

"One more step? I repeated back. My voice sounding quiet and lonely.

"Yes." The s was slurred sounding like a snake, the venom in its words drowning me.

My breathing slowed, my heart pounded, my lungs calmed.

"It's just one step." My voice told my brain as if it were no harm though my mind yelled at me to stop, to wait for Luz.

But I didn't.

And I took a step closer.

The vines like darkness pulling me into its hurtful grasp. Dragging me into the alley before I could even scream.

OUCH! Cliffhanger! Second post for this shall be released in a few hours!

Did you find the Easter Egg?

Private message me if you did!

Have a good day, and get ready to continue reading!

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