chapter 2

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Who's that guy over there?. 

Oh!It was our regular customer who was dumped by his  boyfriend. 


Yeah!, you know same sex relationship. You were aware of that right?.

Zhehan nodded. He's so handsome to be gay. Out of the blue he said.

Is that kind your type?. 

Zhehan's face turns beetroot red. He covers his face with his palm. He doesn't drink so it is obvious that he was blushing. His pale  complexion makes it more obvious. 
Shut up your mouth Miles, really you asked me that kind of question?. He nagged.
Stop teasing him bro. Dai kun chuckled and put his hand to Zhehan's neck like he was strangling him.

You two look really cute. Why not date each other ? Maybe feelings will boost up, you know.

Errr... your mouth. We are friends and it's awkward if we date. It's gross. Zhehan complained. He can't date Dai Kun because he was  a brother to him. Besides, he didn't know if he was straight or not.
Whatever, you just think it by yourself why asked this coward man besides you?.
Miles stops it. Dai Kun said with a firm tone.
Miles laugh!.
They were hanging out at the bar of Miles. Dai kun friend. Zhehan and Dai kun met five years ago at the hospital. Where the family of Dai kun owned and they started their friendship there. Whenever Zhehan comes for his check up. Dai kun was always at his side. He's with him. It's really obvious that he had something special with zhehan. However, Zhehan sees him as a friend and a brother. Dai Kun didn't make a move; he doesn't want to destroy  their friendship. He forgets his feelings, he stays as a zhehan friend whom he can rely on.

Forcing yourself to someone who doesn't like you is selfishness and he's not. He valued their friendship more than his romantic feelings for him.

Dai kun left first, he had an emergency at the hospital. He was a bit older at zhehan and because he was a special child with his IQ as high as the sky he graduated at his early  age.

Hey! I gotta go. Zhehan gets Miles' attention. 

Are you sure you can go alone?. Why wait for a while then I will send you home?
I'm not a baby Miles, annoyed. I can go home alone so stay put.

Hahaha... it's so cute. If I were in Daikuan, I will date you and make you mine.
He punched him on his arms. Your bullshitting will lead you to death. He turns his back with his annoyed face. He was in the parking lot when someone held him.It's the man who gets wasted inside the bar.
Can you give me a ride?, or call a taxi for me?. He drunkenly asked.

Well, I can do that. Can you stand?.

Simon shakes his head. 
Errr... the smell of the alcohol is bad for me so stay here i will call a taxi for you.
Zhehan hurriedly called a taxi. When they arrived Simon was already sleeping while leaning in his car. 

He helped the taxi driver to put Simon inside. He was so heavy so they struggled together when they held him up and put him in.

Send him to the nearest hotel. I will just follow. He told the taxi driver. 
He doesn't know why he was doing these. He helped him. He didn't need to follow him to the hotel but no one would take care of him inside. So kind of me ha… really Zhehan?. tskk.

Then why is it to you?. He was a stranger. His mind was chaotic but in the end he followed him at the hotel. He also went inside the room. He  took off his shoes and socks. After cleaning him up he made sure that he was comfortable before he left. He also wrote a note. 

Simon wakes up with a hangover. Fuck that alcohol. And fuck where i am?. He looked around and he saw a note at the table.

"Hey!, if you are awake already then drink the medicine for your hangover. Worry less, it's ok if you haven't eaten yet. I sent you to the hotel after you slept beside my car. I didn't do anything. Just get your shoes socks and clean you up. That's all". 

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