chapter 11

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Jason was mad, mad that he entered the forbidden room in Simon house. Yes he lives with Simon. If you think that he had a good life then you were wrong, he don't have. He's living in hell. Simon didn't talk to him. He lives in the house with one maid and he cannot go outside without Simon's words. He cannot touch things, especially, Zhehan picture that was displayed in every corner of the house. This is kind of torture.

Madam, you can't enter there sir. Sir Simon will get angry with you. 

So what, he's getting into my nerves. He didnt go home and always abandoned me. Besides, these things were useless. He died. His flesh was eated by bacteria already. No one left him. Much better that he will be totally gone . If These pictures are gone Simon will move on and love me again just like before he came into our lives. He was a stealer.

Then what will you do about this?

Burn, what more. 

Are you sure?.

Of course.

Take it out and put it outside. I will burn it on my own later.

The maid started to take pictures and other things of zhehan. Jason sits on the bed holding one of Zhehan's pictures.

Are you happy?. No not yet I will make sure that Simon will totally forget you. I know you see that Simon and your friend had a mutual understanding now. 

He laughed like a crazy bastard. Your friend that loves you and you trusted the most steals your one and only love. How do you feel now?. He betrayed you. Pity you. I was really thankful that you died earlier than I expected. You bitch dont worry i will steal my man to your friend. Siimon was mine and mine alone. 

Rest in peace in hell. Accept your defeat and accept the fact that you were a memory now. One of these days you will be totally forgotten.

Simon, who had just arrived at the house from work , saw the maid struggling by  lifting the box where Zhehan's favorite books was inside. He saw jason putting a fire in front of the yard.

His heart palpitates with anger and fear. Fear for zhehan things would be burnt and angry for jason who wanted to burn it. His steps were big. In no time he arrived at Jadon's side and grabbed his hands. Thankfully there is no something on the fire yet. Yes, now he was lucky because he arrived late. All of Zhehan's things might be gone already. 

Who told you to put your hand on my baby's things huh?. His eyes were ferociously staring at Jason. He wanted to murder the other man. His grip was tight. He dragged him inside the room.

And you, put it back from where you take it. Make sure you put it in the same place again. would I know it sir?. And why will I take it back alone? Madam Jason told me to do so. Let him help me. These things were too heavy. The maid commented.

I didn't have the choice to decline because if I did, he would get angry with me. Let him do it. I have lots of work to do.

And now you will talk back to me huh?.

Of course this is not my doing. I was just following an order.

Simon got no words to say from the maid so he gestured to him to go. This maid has a long tongue. He said one but  her thrice.

Jason lifts all the things that the maid takes out. Simon was sitting on the table in the garden with cross legs and cigarette in his mouth. 

Jason looked at him resentfully. Why are you punishing me like this?. He is dead by the way.

Who says?.

Wake up for fuck sake. Don't live in the memory. Jason shouted.

You have no right to say what should I do. This is my life. I live it on my own free will.

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