chapter 6

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Simon was talking to his phone when Zhehan opened his eyes. He felt so drained. He got up from bed and directly went to the bathroom to clean himself. He was stinky from sweat. Simon didn't notice him. 

What?, you mean they declined our offer?. Simon shouted at the other line. He was talking to his secretary.

Yes sir, i mean not really. The ceo told me that he wanted to talk to you in person. I didn't have a chance to say it cuz you're busy and you didn't  report. I've been calling you too. 

Call her and we will meet today. "Bundles of work waiting for Simon after two weeks of not coming into the office". He wasn't in the mood either. 

He was changing his clothes when Zhehan got out of the bathroom. Without any noise, Zhehan fixed himself. " He doesn't want to talk to Simon. He was still in pain and he didn't want to burst in front of him. If he can keep it then he will shut up his mouth. Cold war is better than hot. They will hurt each other for sure if he didnt stop himself.

You were drunk last night. Why didn't you call me?. You call your friend either. Did we have any problems?.

Zhehan didn't bother to answer. He was trying really hard not to utter a single word. He was about to exit when Simon grabbed his arms.

Why?. Simon's eyes burning with anger.

Why ask yourself why?. You know the answer dont be stupid. Zhehan reply coldly.

Fuck!. How childish you are to get revenge.

Revenge where?. If i will revenge i will do what you will do. However im not stupid enough to cheat. To neglect my beloved begging to accompany him. Tell me did I insist on myself to you?.

Tell me did I make things hard for you?. No, right?. I didn't confront nor quarrel with you. I keep it here. He pointed to his heart. There's no tears coming out. He cried all hus tears yesterday. Its all dried off.

The coldness and emotionless eyes of him make someone shiver. He was emotionless but the words coming out from his mouth were sharp and full of pain. His eyes say it all. 

I already told you that I was on my friend's side. In which part did you not understand?. He was confined and sick. He needs me. 

I need you too. I've been hospitalised for five days but where are you?. You didn't bother to call me nor know my whereabouts. When I called you to fetch me did you fetch me?. 

I was all alone. I felt the world betray me. I had a boyfriend. He was near but i cant reach. Ohh.. how can i call you my boyfriend if this relationship has no level. I was just assuming things. I'm sorry ive forgot. I don't have a right to be greedy.

You just keep me cuz you pity me. Im sorry.  It was too hard to accept that they live on one roof but he doesn't know what they are. They were intimate doing love makings but Simon didn't promise nor clear what stage they were on. All this time he was assuming.

I was hurt so badly that I wanted to escape from reality. Seeing you with him makes me broke into tiny pieces. Seeing how irritated you are when I called you but you smiled when looking at him. I feel betrayed. 

You're so soft to him. I was jealous. Do I have the right though?. Zhehan wiped his tears. He thought he can't cry anymore but his stupid tears escape again.  You must go dont bother to pity me. I don't need it. 

Simon didnt have a chance to explain cuz his phone rang again. This time it was Jason. Sadness criss again from Zhehan's eyes; the bitter taste once again was in his tongue. 
Zhehan doesn't have the heart to listen to their conversation. He turned his back. He doesn't had a plan to stay at their house. He will get depressed if he does. 

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