chapter 8

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After the vacation Simon got busy to his company. He even went home late or didn't even go home. He was working his ass off for the work that he left for three months and it irritated him. He cant take care of zhehan even of he wanted. He can't leave his work either. Lots of employees are relying on him.

Sir Jason is here. He wanted to talk to you. His secretary informed him.

Tell him to be busy . I don't want to be bothered. I want to go home early.

But you have been ignoring me since then. What is it Simon?. He enters without notice.

I'm busy you can leave now. He don't have time to deal with him. They already done. He cut the knot between the two 0f them when he and zhehan goes to greece.

Do you think I accept it?. No, I will not, you promise me. You will stay at my side and you will never leave me. Then now you will leave me just like this.

Stop with your nonsense Jason, I don't have time to deal with you. I already told you the reason. Do now leave, don't wait for me to spit what I discover about you being hospitalised.

So you believe that bastard than me?. He's telling you a lie to steal me from you. So I have no other choice but to stay with him.

Jason went to his side and hug him. Please let's continue what we had. I can't bear without you. Thinking about that you where with someone its killing me. He was sobbing. A fake sob.

Simon disentangles Jason's hand to him. Get out now. He coldly said.

Seeing the emotionless and coldness of Simon to him. Jason felt resentful. You are mine. No one can get you away from me. Put that on your mind. If someone steals you. They would pass through my hand. He angrily shouted and walked out. He slammed the door after he went out.

Simon massage his forehead. He wasn't in the mood to continue his work so he went home. He instructed his secretary to deliver the paper works to their house. He needed to see zhehan. Zhehan was the only one who could lighten his mood.

Zhehan was talking to Dai Kun on the phone when the door opened. The grumpy face of Simon welcomes his sight.

Call you back later. He didn't wait for Dai Kun to speak he ended the call and met Simon.

Hey what's with the face?. He sweetly asked him.

Simon hugged him, never uttering a word, just a tight embrace.

Is there something wrong?He was rubbing his back.

Not important.

Then change. I will make you some food.

I don't want to. I'm lazy.

Ngekk... go now.

Change for me then.

I will not. His face burning hot. He always did it when Simon making cute face to him and they ended up having make love from whole night. So every morning he can't make breakfast to him because of exhaustion. He even didn't see him go to work. He wake up late every morning.

Afraid?. Simon teasing.

If you will not change now you can sleep with me. He threatehened.

That's bad.

Nope. I am serious.

Simon hurriedly go their room and change his clothes. Zhehan just smiled and shake his head heading to kitchen to make some food to his love.

Is my condition worsening?.

Dai Kun look away. How come it end like this Zhehan?. Why?. I didn't care if you will be in someone's care as long as you are healthy and i see you alive i will be contented into it. Why?.

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