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I often wondered how many of the guys I served in the bar I'd actually slept with and couldn't remember. There was a guy once who came into the bar, smiled at me and said hi.

'Hi,' I replied. The music was on quite loud, so I leaned across the bar to get his order. He leaned in and put his lips on mine to kiss me.

I jerked back.

'What do you think you're doing?'

There were guys who came in and tried it on with me, so I assumed he was one of them.

'What's wrong?' he said.

I was surprised that he couldn't even see that what he'd done was wrong.

'Are you kidding me?' he said. 'Milo, it's me.'

I shrugged.

'You told me to come in and see you,' he said.

'When?' I asked.

'Last night after we fucked.'

I'd left in the same way that morning, by sneaking out without saying anything. Apparently I'd told him where I worked the night before.

I shrugged again. 'I'm sorry, I don't remember...'

He shook his head in disgust and stormed out. I couldn't say I blamed him.

I wondered how many others there had been who didn't say anything. Maybe some didn't even remember me.

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