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~A/N: Guess who's here with another story! This chapter is just the one shot I based this story on, so if you've read it you don't have to again :) This book will have about 20 chapters, one published every week :) I'm also going to make an 8tracks playlist for it once it's finsished! Anyways, I can't wait to write this story, I hope y'all like it! <3 ~


Niall's P.O.V:

"Welcome to Western European Railways. This train is travelling to Cannes, our final destination, with no intervals. Our approximate journey time is five hours. We invite you to our dining carriage at the end of the train for hot and cold dishes and snacks, as well as refreshments. We hope you have a pleasant journey, thank you for choosing to travel with us." I heard the intercom form the speakers above my head as I settled comfortably in an empty seat.

I took my phone out of my bag before plugging in earphones and putting my playlist on shuffle. 'Bad Enough For You' by All Time Low began to play as the train started to roll along the tracks slowly, heaving its way out of the station, before speeding up.  

Before I had time to gaze out of the window and appreciate the scenery, a quick movement in the corner of my eye distracted me. I glanced up to see a brunette boy now sitting in the seat opposite mine. His eyes matched the colour of his hair, his skin tanned a warm golden brown colour. He looked like the kind of boy you would see on the cover of a fashion magazine. But my social awkwardness meant that if I talked to him, my tongue would form a knot and I wouldn't be able to do anything apart from awkwardly pretend I was coughing instead of attempting to talk to him. 

So I settled on music and looking at the countryside, which needed no social interaction. And it was beautiful, really. The summer sun brightened up the hills and fields running past us, my body losing tension as I took in the calming sights. But as my eyes were concentrated on the scenery, I felt a pair do the same on me. 

Curiously, I looked around and saw the brunette boy ahead of me staring. He wasn't attempting to be discreet at all, bluntly staring right at me. 

 I took out my right earphone, taking a deep breath before speaking. "May I help you?"

"I was just looking at your top." He answered, pointing at my torso.

I glanced down at my t shirt, smiling a little. It was black with a white print on it reading 'YOU COMPLETE MEss'. "What about it?" 

"I like it."

"Thank you."

"So is it you complete mess as in you complete my mess? Or you complete mess as in... you are a complete mess?"

"I guess that's up to you, isn't it?"

"Are you always this cryptic?" He asked, smirking.


He grinned fully at this, revealing white teeth and emphasising the apples of his cheeks.

"So, what's your name?" He questioned, shuffling in his seat before crossing his arms.

"Niall. Yours?"

"I'm Liam." He extended his arm towards me before shaking my hand with an ideally tight grip. His hand was warm and soft, matching the look of his tanned skin.

"So, Liam. Where are you headed?"

"In life? Well I don't really know, I like to go with the flow to be honest."

"I meant the train ride, you dork."

"Oh, we're on a nickname basis now are we?"

"I guess we are." I smirked.

"Well, I'm going to Cannes, I have a summer job planned there at a restaurant my family owns. And they have a holiday home there, so I thought why not? Who knows, maybe I'll be inspired and set off on a life quest." He spoke the last sentence sarcastically, bringing his head up and widening his eyes slightly.

I chuckled at his remark.

 "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What got you on this train?"

"My pen."

"If you would be so gracious as to give me context." He chuckled, leaning back in his seat.

"Well, I'm travelling around Europe for the next year. Whenever I change cities, I take a map of the country and randomly select one city with my pen, taking my eyes off the paper. Then I get tickets to go there as soon as possible, before doing the same thing again." 

"That sure does sound interesting." He said, bringing his hand up to his chin and gazing out of the window.

"It is. You meet a lot of intriguing people." I smiled, aiming the comment at him.

"Well, am I one of them?"

"You just may be."


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