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~A/N: Hey y'all! I am SO SO sorry I've been gone for so long!!! I just had exams and now I'm procrastinating revision again and I've just been busy, sorry! I'm back now though! I hope y'all like this chapter, because Niall and Liam are finally getting closer ^-^

Song recommendation: I Miss You - Blink 182 (classic <3)


We were now making our way down the road of my hotel, smiling at nothing at all.

I was happy, that was all. I was happy about being in France. I was happy about the lovely weather. I was happy about my holiday. Definitely not because of the handsome boy by my side...

Who, speaking of, was now right in front of me, turning away, causing our bodies to collide.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm going over there." He pointed towards a white door at the corner of my hotel, with a bold sign that read something in French I didn't even attempt to read.


"Well, you know the restaurant I was talking about that I would be working at for a few weeks?"


"Well, it's the one in this hotel!" His lips curled into a goofy grin, exposing Liam's white teeth.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I don't know...Well, now you know." A smirk.

"Okay, well I should go and get ready for dinner..." I scratched the back of my neck, my sunburned flesh stinging, causing me to wince.

"As should I. And you should put lotion on that." He pointed towards my neck before disappearing behind the white door.

As I made my way to my room, a smile crawled onto my face. Somehow Liam's presence made me happy, and the thought of seeing him again tonight made me excited.

I fixed myself up before dinner, applying after-sun lotion, like Liam told me to, and tried especially hard with my hair, not because of Liam.

At all.


Making my way into the lighted restaurant, the first thing I saw was a head of brown locks and the back of a smart suit without a jacket. The figure turned around, revealing his face to be that of Liam's.


"Hello!" I smiled, sounding more enthusiastic than I wished to let off.

"Would you like some help with choosing your meal tonight, sir?" Liam asked, faking a posh accent, wearing that smirk of his that made me go weak at the knees, although I wouldn't want to admit it.

"Hmmm...Why not?" I replied sarcastically, placing my fingertips to my chin.

"Great!" He handed me a white plate and we walked around the rectangle of tables set out with food on them.

Liam placed a small amount of each of his favourites on my plate, telling me I 'have to try this!' or 'this is the best thing you will ever eat!'.

I simply followed him around, admiring his form in the smooth black and white clothes. A crisp white shirt covered his tan skin, a bow tie stuck under his neck, while black trousers fit around his legs, dark polished shoes completing the outfit. And he looked amazing. The contrast between the white material of his shirt and golden brown complexion seemed perfect, and his brunette hair was now streaked a little with dark golden strands. "Okay, why don't we get you a table?"

I simply nodded, following his steps to a table at the side of the big restaurant.

Throughout my meal, Liam made as many excuses as he could to be near me: pointlessly sorting out the cutlery in the place beside me, refilling my drink even though I hadn't finished it yet, cleaning a clean table next to mine.

I also took my time, not wanting to leave, but I could only push it so far.


The aftermath of spending hours inn the sun was beginning to become clear. My skin felt as if it was alight with fire, and even more so when I rubbed lotion on it. So I lay in bed at ten o'clock in the evening, watching mainstream music videos with a side of the temperature of the sea and photos of the hotel on the T.V screen, not tired in the least.

Just as I was about to turn it off, a knock was heard at my door. Confused, I walked towards it, opening it cautiously.

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