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~A/N: Hi guys! Have any of you heard 'Kids In The Dark' by ATL yet? It's really good! They got inspiration from modern pop music, but still somehow retained their own sound, it's great! I can't wait for the new album! Anyways, hope y'all are good and like this chappy! ~


Niall's P.O.V:

We stepped off the train, laughing at a trivial thing Liam said. I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder, feeling the heat of my surroundings rush through me. It finally felt like summer, rays of sunshine bursting through the high windows at the train station, dust made visible, flying in the air.

“Well…I guess this is where we part ways.” I sighed as we approached the exit.

“You don’t have to be so dramatic, you know. We might see each other around.” He stated with a smile.

“Yeah…maybe. Well I have to catch a bus and I need to buy food, so I maybe I’ll see you around.” I waved to him as I walked to a small shop in the station.

I grabbed a baguette and a bottle of orange juice from the freezer before making my way to checkout. The woman behind it attempted to communicate with me, but I heard just gibberish, so I handed her the money before collecting my change and taking my items.

On my way to the bus stop, I put it my earphones, and Dear Maria, Count Me In began to blare through my eardrums. I checked my bus ticket for the right station before walking to it. A big white bus was already standing in the spot, so I stepped in before the driver checked my ticket before I walked through the slim centre alley and sat at the back, next to a window.

I settled my bag at my feet before leaning my head on the cold window of the coach. My lips soon subconsciously began mouthing the lyrics of the song as my eyes looked outside.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly tilted my head to see a face I recognized.

“Liam?” I asked, taking an earphone out.

“Oh! Niall! Hello. Is this seat taken?”

“No,” I shook my head. “Go ahead.”

“Thanks.” He sighed, dropping on the seat beside me.

“So, I guess you were right when you said we might be seeing each other again.” I chuckled.

“Of course I was. So, where’s your stop?”

“Cannes centre, that’s where my hotel is.”

“Mine too! I’m going to Lyon in two weeks, some of my family live there too, and they can get me a longer lasting job at their café.”

“That’s cool.”

“Yeah, I love France and the food is the best!” He smiled widely as the coach jolted, pushing forward and rolling out of the station.

The driver announced that our journey would take an hour, with no stops. Which made me very happy, as it gave me more time to talk with Liam.

I was growing quite fond of him, in all honesty. His smile was comforting, and even though I had known him for barely a few hours, conversation came with ease. We listened to my music, one earphone each, mouthing the words to each other, shaking our heads and laughing.

Time passed, and all too quickly, there were only a few minutes left of the ride.

“What hotel are you going to? Not to sound creepy or anything.”

“I have no idea how to pronounce this, so I’ll show you the confirmation and save myself some embarrassment.” I admitted, showing him the piece of paper with information of my stay on it.

“Oh, that one’s really close to mine, so we can always meet up if you like. I’ve heard it’s amazing! How did you get the money? It’s holiday season as well.” Liam questioned as we stepped of the coach, into the scorching heat of the French summer.

“Um…my Mum’s family is quite rich, they don’t see me often, but they try to make up for it.”

“I get that. It’s kind of the same with my dad, he works away all the time.” He sighed as we neared a big board with what seemed like a dozen hotel names. “Right, well I’m heading off in that direction.” He stated, pointing to the right. “You just need to walk to the left until you hit a corner, there’ll be a group of hotels and directions there.” He smiled before spinning on the heel of his foot and turning away.

“Wait! What’s your phone number?”

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