
274 19 9

~A/N: Hey guys! Look who actually updated on time! I hope you guys like this chapter, I might do a double update this week because I didn't update last week :) Maybe :) Also, you guys should follow @Carlisleisagirlsname because she's bae <3 ~

Song recommendation: Cold Night- You Me At Six


Liam's sickness happened to be a twenty-four hour affair, and was soon gone. This clearly meant that Liam already had an activity planned for us the next day.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Cycling." Liam grinned as we made way into the main part of town.


"What? Do you not like cycling? If not, we can always do something else."

"No, it's...it's fine." I flashed him a reasurring smile.

"Okay. Well there's a trail we can follow around the town, up a few hills and the views are amazing."



We clambered on the rented bikes before cycling up a hill and out of the loud clamour of the city. The sun was burning, heat pressing on our backs as we rode up a small hill.

My breath was short after a little, from a lack of exercise. Matching Liam's speed was becoming more difficult, so I was glad when he halted at the top of the green hill.

We placed our bikes aside on the grass, sitting beneath a large tree, overlooking the centre of town a little. The sea glittered beneath the burning sunlight, the sky a perfect blue, with marshmallow clouds fluffing up and hanging above us. Liam and I shared no words as we consumed our lunch, only sitting beside each other and tapping our feet together like children.

Our small break meant that I could regain my normal pace of breath and gather energy for the following few hours of cycling.

"I bet I can beat you in a race to that pole!" Liam grinned innocently, pointing at a metal pole a while ahead of us with one finger, while steering the bike with his other hand.

"You're on." I laughed, speeding up my pedalling, leaning down into the slight breeze with a devilish grin.

Liam didn't seem to be near me, so I looked back, only to see an empty space. "Wha-"

"I think you're about to lose!" Liam laughed as my head whipped forward.

"How the-"

Liam was now metres ahead of me, his speed exceeding mine completely. "I won!" He shouted, darting past the imaginary checkpoint.


"I'm just so fabulous." He smiled, getting of his bike with a flourish.

The sun was about to set now, hanging above the horizon. The light of it would soon be seeping from the sky, darkness leaking from above. We sat down then, adoring the look of a picture-perfect scene. The city below us seemed to be encompassed by green hills, the centre of it now bright with what seemed like miniature lights.

My breathing was heavy from the race, my heartbeat heavy in my chest. My lungs felt as if they were on fire, every breath of oxygen lighting it more.

"Are you okay? We didn't cycle fast at all apart from that race..."

"I'm-I'm fine." I breathed out.

"Are you sure? You seem..."

"I'm okay."


The ride back to the city was easier, as it was mainly downhill, and the boiling sun was about to rest.

After Liam and I had handed the rented bikes back in, the sky was seeping darkness, the sun tucked in behind the horizon. The walk was quiet, as Liam and I were both tired, our muscles burning from the long bike ride.

We were two minutes away from our hotels when I felt a speck of chill hit my face.



"I think it might be starting to rain-"

Suddenly, droplets rain began to fall, hitting our bodies, still warm from the sun.

"I think you're right!" Liam laughed as we began running in the early night, attempting to shield ourselves from the rain as much as possibles.

"Race you to your hotel!"

"Oh not again."

We chased each other, feet hitting the wet pavement rapidly. Our laughs rang to the noise of padding rain as we stole glances at each other.

The corner before my hotel was just ahead of us, and we sped up now, running faster, laughing more.

Liam obviously beat me to the hotel, standing at the front, drenched in rain, with his arms up in victory. A grin was planted on his face as he looked at me, "I won!".

"Yeah, you did." I rested my hands on my bent knees as I reached him, attempting to catch my breath.

We didn't care about the rain any more, we were soaked in it by now.

"Well, Niall. I believe I should be given a reward for my achievements today." Liam flipped his now drenched hair. His eyes were gleaming in the moonlight, his face lit up as we walked under the small roofing in front of the door to the hotel.

The padding rain continued around us.

"Well, what kind of a reward do you believe is suitable?" I was short of breath, my lungs feeling afire, but my words didn't stutter.

"How about we agree where we go next?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know...where we go next together."

"Oh! Okay. Any ideas? I usually just take a pen and map and see where it goes."

"Hmmm...how about...Paris!"

Timeless (Niam)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora