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~A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is longer than usual, and I'm quite happy with it tbh, I hope you guys like it too! Also, did you know that my story, 'You're My Rose' is in the semi-finals of the Bromance Awards (!!!!) ??? Well it is, so thank you so much to any of you who voted,it means a great deal to me,  but for a chance of wining (?!?!?!!!!?), there's more voting to do, details here in the new chapter of the Bromance Awards. Sorry, whenever I put the link here, it doesn't seem to work :/ Hope you're all good :) 

Song recommendation: This Is Gospel (the piano version omg) - Panic! At The Disco


My dreams were flooded with images of my mother. It was most probably because of, the what seemed like impossible, letter she sent me. Why would it be impossible, you may ask.

Death had claimed my mother six months ago. She was driving to work on a rainy Monday morning when it knocked the life out of her. Six months is a long time, especially when all you are left with is the house you lived in with someone you loved, their possessions still around, and their last words left unspoken, hanging in the air. I missed her, obviously. Her death hit me like a rock. I was left with nothing to hang on to, no job yet, no other family, nothing. That was when Jayce stepped in. I'd known him for years, but our relationship had weakened for a while. After my mother died, he called me every day to make sure I was okay, brought me food even though I refused to eat it and, most importantly, gave me a shoulder to cry on. I couldn't be more grateful. In times like those, having someone by your side is precious. Ever since then, my gratefulness for Jayce only increased, and I was determined to one day be as much of a friend as he was to me. 

So the letter from my mother was (quite literally) impossible. Nonetheless, I told Jayce to forward it to me, hoping for something, yet I didn't know what that was.

I awoke with my body curled on the side, enveloped in Liam's warm embrace. It seemed that him and I swapped positions during our slumber, me now being the little spoon. 

Attempting to not awake Liam, I turned in his arms so I was facing him. 

His lips were a little apart, small puffs of breath leaving his mouth, causing me to feel the heat of them on my collarbone. His hair was messier than usual, a soft blush coating his cheeks. 

I shifted slowly in his arms, making sure that he remained asleep. The clock revealed it to be eight in the morning. I stretched my arms standing up, and yawning. Light was peeking through the curtains, but not as bright as the past mornings. I walked towards the window, bringing a curtain up slightly to check the weather. Louring clouds were hanging in the sky, and rain patted car roofs and the road below us. I guessed this was the pre-longing rain from last night. 

"Morning." I heard Liam's croaky, sleep-drenched voice from behind me. 

"Good morning to you." I smiled a little, turning around. 

Liam was sitting in the middle of the bead, with his back against the headboard, knees tucked up, rubbing his eyes adorably. He yawned before dropping his arms by his sides and opening his brown eyes. 

"Had a good sleep?" I asked him.

He nodded cutely, smiling. "Yeah, thanks, Ni. I hate thunderstorms." His smile turned into a slight frown, probably at the memory of the thunderstorm last night.

"You're okay now, though?" I questioned, shuffling in beside him. 

"Yeah." He nodded his head once in confirmation. "I'll probably be better after breakfast though."

"Hmmm, me too. How about we room service?"

"Okay." He grinned. "What's the weather like?"

"It's raining. So we can't really do much, I guess."

"I hate rainy Monday mornings."

"Me too." I stated blankly, looking down at the floor.

A moment of silence passed us as my thoughts circled, before Liam spoke again.

"Well I don't have many ideas for rainy weather, to be honest."

"I think I have an idea." I put my finger up in motion, before walking over to my suitcase and grabbing my laptop. "They have wifi here, and I have Netfllix so..."

"Great!" Liam grinned. 

So, after calling room service and eating breakfast, I got the lift to the ground floor of the hotel and entered the convenience store before grabbing a few snacks for Liam and I's movie marathon.

We ended up cuddled together on the bed again, sitting side by side, with my laptop balanced half and half on our legs in the middle. Various bags of sweets and chocolate I bought were beside us, and we shared them throughout our watching. After watching 'Safe Heaven' (Liam confessed to secretly loving soppy romance movies), Liam's arm moved and rested on my shoulder, so I cuddled closer to him, fitting in beside him. We later watched Catching Fire (which we both loved), and I was closer to Liam, if that was even possible. 

The rain had stopped by now, revealing the sun and a beautiful rainbow. 

"Oh my Gosh, Niall we need to go outside to see the rainbow!" Liam cheered excitedly with a hay grin and wide eyes. 

"Okay." I chuckled at his childish, and cute, behaviour. 

So, that's what we did. Liam's clothes he wore yesterday were now dry, so he wore them, but I provided him with one of my sweaters as the weather was a little chillier after the rain. And to be honest, the sight of Liam wearing my sweater made me happier than I cared to admit. It was oversized for me, but fitted his form perfectly. The grey material hugged his arms, but the sweater hung loosely on his torso. I smiled at Liam, probably wider than I should have, but luckily, he didn't see.

Cautiously avoiding any staff on the way downstairs, we rushed down to the beach by my hotel, with Liam grinning the whole way there. 

Once we reached the beach, Liam was desperate to take a photo with the rainbow in the background, so I grabbed my phone and snapped one. Liam was in the centre, pointing to the rainbow on the sky, wearing my sweater and the adorable grin I grew to love.

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