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~A/N: Hi guys! This is a VERY short chapter, as I had very little time to write it, but I like how it worked out. And dw, the next one will be MUCH longer ;) ALSO 'DRAG ME DOWN' LIKE TF. THEY JUST DROPPED IT WITH NO WARNING AND IT'S AMAZING AF HONESTLY. WHAT DO YOU GUS THINK??? (from future me:I wrote this a week ago just btw)

Song recommendation: Drag Me Down- 1D 


We got back to my hotel after a delicious dinner and a beach walk under the summer sunset. By now, Liam and I no longer cared whether the hotel staff saw Liam entering my room; they didn't seem to care enough to take notice, and we certainly weren't going to make them do so.

We grabbed a bottle of red wine on the way, popping it open while sitting on my balcony, our legs crossed side by side, knees just touching each other. 

As we looked up, the sky was hazed with long, thin clouds, the bright moon hiding behind them. There weren't many stars shining above us, but the ones we saw were brighter than ever.

"Cheers." Liam grinned, tapping his cup of wine against mine.

Wine glasses weren't a part of my travel kit, so we made use of the glass cups which were already stationed in my room when I arrived.

"Cheers." I smiled back before taking a sip of the sweet alcohol, the tingling warm sensation spreading through my throat. "It's good." I hummed, looking out into the distance of the sea.

Liam nodded gently, taking a deep sigh and pouting a little.

"What's up?"

"The sky."

"Don't mock me!" I chuckled, tapping his shoulder with mine while furrowing my eyebrows. "What's got you troubled?"

"Nothing, really. I just feel a bit...like I don't belong, you know? Like anywhere I go, even home, doesn't feel like I belong there. I feel like my life is just messed up now, I have no goal, nowhere I'm striving." He sighed, directing his eyes down at his crossed legs.

"That's okay. I hate to be someone that compares your situation to theirs, but I've had that so many times. You'd think travelling would all just be fun, but..." I took a slow breath, looking at Liam. "At times I felt like there was no point, I was just going around places for no particular reason, running away from reality. Or at least, the reality most people know."

"I really hope this is going somewhere." Liam replied bluntly, looking up at me.

I chuckled lightly in response. "My point is...It's okay, Liam. It's okay if you feel like you don't belong. Just keep in mind that at one point, whether it's tomorrow, or in a year, you'll know when...You'll get to some place, or someone, and you'll think: This. This is where I belong."


Timeless (Niam)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt