A Hug

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The next few days at Alastor's house were weird. He gave me a room, and gave me rules.
Rule number 1: do not go downstairs

I do not want to know what's downstairs.

Rule number 2: don't go anywhere I (Alastor) cannot see you.

A little possessive but alright, I don't really have the power to argue.

Rule number 3: stay out of my (Alastor's) room.

Hmmm, yet here I am. Intrigued, standing in front of his closed door. Maybe a little peek?
Yea just a little one.

I put my hand on the doorknob. Suddenly Alastor's shadow appeared next to me and I jumped. He frantically shook his head 'no' and made x motions with his arms. I giggled at him because he just looked silly freaking out.

He gave me a stern look then, crossing his arms like 'I will get my dad.' I sighed and turned to leave. When Alastor's shadow stopped paying attention I darted back to the door and opened it quickly, almost falling in. Me and the shadow both stood there frozen, him about to drag me out and me staring wide eyed at the man before me.

"Alastor..." his glowing red eyes were glowering. "What are you doing here?"

"This is my room."

"But you were on business?"

"I think you're trying to distract me, darling." He almost growled.

I backed away, getting flashbacks to a few days ago, tears welling up in my eyes.

Not again.

It felt like my throat was closing and all I could see was Alastor giving me that menacing stare as he choked me.

"A-Al please..." I didn't even realize I was cowering with my arms over my head for protection.


I watched her back away from me. I hadn't even moved yet, I was only speaking to her. The fear in her eyes was loud and clear as she backed away into the wall, sliding down it slowly. I could see her trembling and I felt my expression change from irritated to concerned.

"A-Al please..." she whimpered and I felt my chest become tight. All it took was a glare, and she's cowering away from me? Hearing her say my name with such fear and sadness angered me. Not at her, but myself for even doing that to her.

Learn to control yourself, dipshit.

I sighed, standing up and going to her. The only reason I even gave her this silly rule is because if she happened to come in my room while I was changing or sleeping that would be quite embarrassing.

I kneeled down next to her, putting my hand on her head and searching through her thoughts. Maybe if I could see the root cause of the fear, I can help it.

My eyes widened when all I saw was...me.

My face was contorted into a horrifying expression as I saw myself through her eyes. I could feel how hard I had choked her and winced. Her eyes were big and pleading as she looked into mine. I gave her no comfort in my expression, only a cold, angry stare.

Why did I do that to you...

I sighed and took my hand away, slowly bringing her arms down away from her tear stained cheeks. Her eyes looked clouded as sheer fear replaced her sad face at the sight of me.

"A-Alastor why..." there were those words again. I growled and grabbed her by the forearms standing her up. Her sobs shook her body and the tight feeling in my chest returned.

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