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After the walk Alastor and I had, I sat up thinking that night.

Why did I have these powers... shadow manipulation... spells... witch craft.

Is Alastor right... am I a witch? Was my mother a witch? I know my adoptive mother wasn't, she works at a law firm.

But my biological mother? What am I missing...

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I was sitting at the kitchen table, it was 2 am and Alastor was asleep upstairs. I didn't want to disturb him with my tossing and turning so I came down here. I grabbed my phone and decided to look through useless news. Maybe that would take my mind off things.

I pulled up the news and there was Vox. His advertisements were everywhere. He controlled any and all internet in hell, just like Alastor did with radio. I flicked through some ads, my eyes growing heavier by the second.

Suddenly my phone screen flickered, and my phone became so hot I had to drop it with a hiss.

"Ow... what the fuck..." I whispered, popping a scorched finger in my mouth, my saliva dulling the pain temporarily.

The lights in the kitchen flickered. I heard a staticky chuckle, and at first thought Alastor was messing with me. I breathed out a laugh, relieved, and turned to face the source of the chuckle.

"Alast-" the words were stolen from my mouth as I turned around and faced the 7 ft television overlord. My face fell into an expression of shock, and his sick smile widened.

"Surprise~" he seethed in his gravely, glitchy voice. I took a couple steps back and went to scream but he reached out and grabbed me by the throat.

His claws dug into my neck, and I wheezed, my legs dangling as he lifted me from the ground. My voice squeaked as I hopelessly called for Alastor.

"Al-as-t-or..." I was clawing at his hand, he just hummed and shook his head, tsk'ing mockingly.

"He's fast asleep, hon, now..." his grip tightened around my throat and I felt as if I were back at home, dying all over again, "lights out"


3rd person POV

Alastor woke up the morning after Emagine's abduction. He noticed she wasn't in bed next to him, and thought that was strange.

He got up and went downstairs. He was calling for her, wondering where she could've gotten off to. He turned, facing the entrance of the kitchen.

He felt a sinking feeling in his chest and walked to the kitchen, hoping he was just being paranoid.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached his cozy kitchen... his eyes sunk into his head, revealing the piercing red radio dials. His nails elongated and his breathing became ragged.

There, burned into the wall, were the words "COME AND GET HER"

Alastor growled, growing into his full demon form. He was slowly becoming the monster he was before he met Emagine, the anger clouding his judgement.

Although, somewhere in his head he could hear her voice, telling him to calm down.

"Calm down...come find me."

The ringing in his ears died down and Alastor took several deep breaths. The gentle whispers in his head bringing him back.

"I will find you darling..." he mumbled, not bothering to put his coat on as he turned on his heel and left, slamming the door so hard a few paintings fell off the wall to the floor.

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