Love Story

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In the weeks that followed, Al never left my side. I accompanied him on business, to the hotel, basically anywhere he went, I was there too.

It grew quite tiring.

We were in town one day, and I stopped at a shop window. There, on the TV was the face of Vox. One of the overlords in hell. His strange TV head put me off, and I grimaced at the screen.

If only I knew it wasn't just a television. Vox had eyes anywhere there was a screen. He saw everything. And most of all, he saw me hand in hand with Alastor.

They were rivals, direct rivals.

Alastor saw me looking and he made a disgusted noise.
"Don't bother looking at that garbage dear..." he grabbed my hand, leading me away. I quietly complied and took a few quick steps to catch up with him.

He looked down at me, and then smiled that sweet smile he only does towards me. I smiled back.

I looked up at a sign that said "now entering cannibal colony"

I hugged to Alastor's side a little closer, and he reached down, picking me up and holding me on the front of him. I looked like a monkey.

I never liked coming here, but this is where Alastor spent most of his time. I saw demons eating other demons in the street, meat shops on every corner.

Then I saw a shop that said "Franklin and Rosie Emporium" but Franklin was crossed out.

I cringed, poor Franklin.

Then, I remembered. I gasped and Alastor stopped, looking at me for a moment. I pointed to the store.

"Is that the same woman that was rude to me?" I whisper shouted, and Alastor followed my finger to the store.

He rolled his eyes, "yes, darling. Rosie is my friend, but I do wish she could show some respect for those around her."

I pouted and laid my head against his chest, the gentle swaying putting me into a slight daze as I drifted off.

The bell of a shop woke me up and I was disgruntled as Alastor sat me down and took my hand in his. We were in a butcher shop, and the man behind the counter did not look friendly.

Alastor, however, kept his chipper tone. "Ah, my good fellow! How do you do? I would like to purchase your freshest cut of venison, please!" He said politely. I nervously fiddled with his sleeve, before looking up to meet the butcher's eyes.

He glared down at me and I immediately looked away. "How about I butcher her, instead." The demon growled with a sneer. Alastor's grip on my hand tightened, and I felt the air go sour.

Oh lord, poor guy.

There was a sick crunch, and a girly yelp. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll go get that for you right now, sir!" The butcher ran off and I looked up at Alastor. His hand was still formed in a fist and there was blood on his knuckles, but it wasn't his.

He sighed. "I apologize, darling..." he shook his head, "I know you're a rather weak demon... but I wish that people would see you with me and realize it's just not smart to mess with you." He seemed troubled by this not being the case and I snuggled into his side.

He looked down and saw my smile and smiled back softly.

We got the meat, and Alastor left without paying. I suppose that's further punishment for how I was treated.

Once we were home, I helped Alastor set everything up for dinner. I set the table, and started the vegetables.

He always insists on doing the meat, but I don't really mind, if he likes it a certain way who am I to stop him.

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