Mother's Soul

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Charlie walked in behind him, brushing past her father and towards Alastor. She took him by the shoulders gently and he looked into her eyes, a look that said 'I don't like this.'

"Al... I talked with him. He is going to help us get her back, ok?" Alastor simply nodded, training his eyes back on the demon king.

After a time of talking over the events, Lucifer sat back in his chair, crossing his legs and resting his hands under his chin.

"I remember..." he began, seemingly lost in thought, "when I thought I would lose Lilith..." Charlie perked up then, looking at her father.

"My father stole her from me... and I had to fight to get her back. Are you ready for a fight, Alastor? Because although I am king down here, Vox has not broken any rules. I will help you find her... but after that you'll need to do the rest," Lucifer eyes flicked up to meet Alastor's.

Alastor had regained his formal attitude, and sat straight and proper. His eyes glowed dimly, and his smile was sinister.

"Of course, my king," Alastor said lowly, and then sincerely, "thank you, Lucifer."

Lucifer eyes softened for just a moment as he glanced from Charlie to Alastor, "anything for my daughter."


"Shes here." Lucifer was pointing at a picture of a dungeon.

"You're positive?" Alastor said, worry lacing his voice.

"As a pregnancy test," Lucifer replied, causing Charlie to palm her face.

Alastor grabbed Charlie's wrist, and looked at Lucifer again, "thank you, again, old friend." Then he disappeared with Charlie.

Any place he can see, he can teleport to. He was headed for Emagine, but he didn't realize that's exactly what Vox wanted him to do.

When Alastor and Charlie appeared in the dungeon, Alastor immediately noticed the smell of blood, mold, and rust. He cringed at the terrible combination of smells, and Charlie seemed to also be sensitive to it.

They made their way through the labyrinth of passages, before they heard quiet rasping.

Then Alastor's eyes went black as the smell of his lover's blood entered his nose, and he knew she was hurt.

They rounded the corner, and there in a little cell was Emagine. She was covered head to toe in blood, and her breathing was ragged. Her clothes were torn and the bruises on her body were so dark not even the blood could hide them.

When she heard footsteps, she visibly shrunk away, whimpering.

Alastor was going to make them pay. Dearly.

"Darling," he said softly, and she froze.

Her head shot up, and at first her eyes filled with happiness, then dread.

"No..." she croaked, "no! Alastor leave!" He was confused. Leave?

"Leave? Darling I'm taking you home, and then I'm going to make that television pay for his transgressions"

She shook her head, "it's a trap!" With those words, Charlie gasped before she was thrown by an unseen force against the concrete wall. She was out cold.

Velvet dropped from the ceiling, her fingers intertwined in her marionette strings. "Aw...poor little Charlotte..." she mock pouted and then Alastor's entire body went rigid.

Velvet's fingers moved swiftly, and Alastor couldn't control his body. That is, until he found the string that was holding everything together and yanked it with all his strength. Velvet gasped when all her strings went limp, and fear filled her eyes when she looked up to the enraged Radio Demon.

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