Heated Confession

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The next morning, I woke up in a fantastic mood. I was up even before Alastor, and I slipped into the new dress he bought me and twirled around.

It was just too pretty. I smiled at my reflection, and thought back to that beautiful demon woman...Rosie? I believe that was her name.

I scoffed, who did she think she was? Calling me a pet and a thing.

So rude.

I brushed my hair and put a few curls in it before heading downstairs. I opened the fridge, looking for anything to eat. I found a couple of macaroons and strawberries and figured it's as good of a breakfast as any.

I noticed there was something wrapped neatly just labeled "meat" and lingered on it for a moment.


A shiver ran down my spine before I turned around to see a very tired looking Alastor wearing a maroon tank top and black boxers.

I skipped over to him, popping a strawberry in my mouth and scrunching my nose at him. He smiled softly before putting his hands on my waist and picking me up effortlessly. He then got very close to my face and bit the stem off the strawberry in my mouth, his lips brushing mine.

My eyes widened after he put me down and I stood there, redder than his hair. He chuckled, eating the stem (gross, why) and then walking past me. I took a few deep breaths and then turned around.

Ok wise guy, two can play at this game.

I snuck up behind him as he took the... 'meat'...out of the fridge and began to unwrap it. I snaked my arms around his waist and up his chest.

We had playful battles like this all the time, but he'd never actually nearly kissed me before, so of course I had to amp up my pestering.

I trailed my fingers back down his chest and stomach, finding the hem of his shirt and sliding my hands under.

My fingers felt around every curve on his stomach, the outline of his toned stomach was smooth against my hands. I had my cheek pressed against his back, feeling comfort in the warmth.

I nearly forgot what I was even doing until my hands subconsciously touched the hem of his boxers and he spun around suddenly, grabbing me and backing me into the counter, picking me up and putting my legs on either side of him.

He was breathing heavily and his eyes were glowing slightly, his smile was extremely flirtatious and he growled deeply. "Darling, if that's how you're going to play then I might have to teach you a thing or two about manners..." he growled lowly and bent toward me, close to my ear, "while you're bent over my counter."

My face was burning and I could feel my lady parts begin to throb slightly from how sexy he was being. I, of course, willed this to stop, we were just friends and he is just playing...unless he's...no no, he's only playing.


My hands were shaking as I lifted my arms and did the only thing my brain could really think of and pulled him into a loose and timid hug, letting him know he won. He chuckled softly, the sexual tension leaving the air almost immediately, leaving a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. The slightest bit of pressure would have made that tension snap, whether it was a game or not.

His arms wrapped around me and he buried his face in my neck, the cute way he always did when he knew he'd gone a little too far. "I apologize dear, I didn't mean to frighten you," I wanted to shake him and yell in his face IM NOT FRIGHTENED YOU BABOON IM HORNY but that simply isn't very ladylike. I laughed softly, burying my face into his neck, whispering softly, "oh Alastor...darling you're confusing fear with something else..."

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