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Al was walking me home. I felt at peace. We walked past a homeless demon playing jazz and Alastor flicked a gold coin into their hat. I smiled at him.

"Wow...that was sweet, Alastor." He smirked down at me and shrugged. "I'm not...always a monster..." he mumbled, his grip on my hand tightening. The street lights made the sidewalk glow a comforting orange, and the red hue of the pentagram made the shadows dance like fire. I giggled and grabbed both of Alastor's hands, leading him to the pentagram square.

He stumbled slightly, chuckling and smoothing out his jacket. I grabbed his hands and put them on my waist, before wrapping my own around his neck. I stepped up onto his feet and laid my head against his chest.

He got the message and began to dance, leading me with his movements, spinning around the city square. I looked up to him, and in that moment I had never felt more in love. The way the light outlined his features made me feel complete.

And in that moment... I didn't feel like I needed to be redeemed anymore.

I had all I needed right in front of me.



"Mama?" A 4 year old Emagine giggled as she ran around a picnic table. Her mother chased her, laughing as Emagine squealed and evaded her attempts at catching her.

Suddenly Emagine was scooped up by the strong hands of her father. His hearty laugh filled her ears as she snuggled against him and was suddenly sandwiched between him and her mother.

When her father put her down her mother took her tiny hand in hers and they all walked back to the small cottage in the woods that they lived in.

Her mother walked to her cauldron, and stared into the boiling liquid, the smile on her face looking tired, and worn.

She was a witch. She fell in love with a human man, and they lived together in the forest. They conceived a beautiful little girl, who also possessed magical qualities like her mother.

After dropping a few potions into the liquid, along with a drop of her blood, Emagine's mother used cast iron tongs to lift a small, delicate necklace from the concoction.

She bent down to her daughter, who had been watching her intently. She clipped the necklace around Emagine's neck, straightening it, and taking in a deep breath.

She was 300 years old, and her time on this Earth was coming to an end. She stored her power in the necklace, and laid it in the possession of her offspring.

Within the next few days... Emagine's mother had died. Her father was grief stricken, and could no longer raise his child. He took the small girl to the modern city, and left her with the orphanage there.

She was adopted, and within no time at all the memories of her fairytale life faded away as she adapted into the city.

The necklace, however, stayed. She always assumed her adopted mother had given it to her.

She never knew how powerful she truly was.

She never understood why she could touch a plant and make it bloom.

And most of all, she didn't understand why she felt like she didn't belong.

End flashback


Emagine fiddled with the small charm on her necklace. She had never taken it off, and it was the only thing that had followed her to hell. She was sitting in her and Alastor's room, her hair laid over her shoulder as she studied the pendant.

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