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Emagine's POV

I woke up surrounded by warmth. I stretched and yawned, feeling a weight against my chest. I turned over, snuggling against what was providing the warm feeling and wrapping my legs around it.

Sleep was fogging my mind and I forgot where I was. That is, until I heard a soft grunt and felt hands on my hip and arm. My eyes shot wide open and I was met with the soft cotton t-shirt that Alastor wore to bed. My cheeks erupted in heat and I hid my face in his chest so he wouldn't see.

He chuckled and I felt his fingers run across my scalp. My eyes rolled back and I shivered against his touch before I realized what I was doing and pulled away from him. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Al!" I began apologizing for how I snuggled against him, but he only grunted again and I felt myself get pulled back against his chest.


"Yes, dear?" His voice was deep and sleepy and I had to burn the unholy thoughts that crossed my mind
'Dear satan give me strength'

"W-what are you doing?" Goosebumps rose on my skin as his fingers traced up and down my waist, "just laying here darling," he responded simply.

I couldn't help but think about this situation romantically. I knew it was ridiculous, and he was only doing whatever he wanted, but still it felt nice.

I relaxed into his arms again, and took a deep breath. "You still smell good..." I whispered and his chuckle made his chest vibrate. The radio filter over his voice was no where to be heard, and his normal voice was odd to get used to. It wasn't different...just crisp, not crackly.

"You know, darling, I was thinking... about last night," I perked up and squirmed to where I could see him properly.

His hair was extra fluffy and I smiled before running my fingers through it once, "and?" I urged him.

"And well... I had fun," I could feel his fingers playing in my hair and it was almost putting me back to sleep, "and I just wanted you to know that...that I had fun with you." I chuckled lightly.

"I had fun with you too, Alastor." I loved saying his full name. Most of the time it's easier just to say Al, but I love the way his full name sounds.

A thought occurred to me then, for some odd reason, "hey...Al?" He hummed a response, "how did you explain me disappearing form the hotel?" He stiffened, so I eased his nerves, "Al I'm not mad, I'm just curious." I said lightly and he relaxed immediately.

Hm, the big bad radio demon, scared of my feisty anger, lol.

"Well darling, I just told them you had decided to stay with me instead!" His filter was back on, and I assumed that meant he was waking up more. I snuggled into his chest, catching him off guard. "And when I'm fully healed... where will I go?"

"Back to the hotel of course!"

My heart fell. I was so used to my days with Alastor. Our walks, his cooking, his stories, his signing. I loved hearing him sing. I didn't really...want to go back.

"Oh..." was all I managed to say. I didn't even try to hide my disappointment. Alastor didn't even really sound sad about the fact of me leaving, probably just happy he's getting his house back.

Suddenly, I felt a firm grip on my chin, and I was forced to look up at him. Fear spiked in my chest, and I pressed my hands firmly against his chest. He loosened his grip and sighed.

"Emagine, do you want to go back?" I was surprised.


"Do you want to go back, or do you want to...stay here...?" I blinked a couple times.

"'s your house Al... I don't want to intrude..."

"Darling I've lived alone for...almost a don't even realize how much fun I've had with you these past few weeks." Those words caught me off guard. Fun?

"You've With me?" My eyes met his once again and he seemed embarrassed having to admit something like that.

" last night for example. I'd never done something so childish before, it never even crossed my mind. I guess I placed myself above all of the trivial components of life and death. But hearing your laugh and your stories was something I'll remember forever."

I was still cuddled up against him, and I don't think either of us realized this. I just looked at him, silently begging him to continue flattering me. And he did.

"I'm not very good at the... friendship...ordeal...however, with you it's kind of... easy? It's never been easy before. I don't know..." he looked down and shook his head, I'm almost positive he's never spoken out loud about his feelings before. So I encouraged him, as any friend would.

"Hey Al, it's ok. You don't gotta be worried about me ridiculing you or thinking you're less powerful for showing me what's inside these," I poked his forehead and his chest, "in fact, I've never thought you were more powerful than I do right now." I gave him a tiny smile, I wanted to hear him talk about himself more. It's obvious he never gets to.

He smiled back and his eyes regained a little bit of their shine, "people are just always scared of me darling...and yes I know you were, too, and you probably still are," correct, "but you don't run away." I froze at that.

He's right.

Normally if someone is scared of something they run, or leave. With Alastor though, I might be scared but he's still my friend. No matter how scared I've been, I've never wanted to leave, or go anywhere without him. I never realized how much that meant to him though.

"People always run..." he sighed, "and of course I love it, but there's also a part of me that wishes I could just talk to people without them thinking I'm going to tear their throat out." I giggled, "but you probably would tear their throat out, Al." He rolled his eyes, "okay the facts are not the point here, you little gremlin." I stuck my tongue out, but stayed quiet so he could continue.

"When I was alive... conversations came easy. People were charmed by me... I guess it's that serial killer charm," he chuckled, "without it, I'd have been 'shit out of luck' as they say," I almost burst out laughing.

"But people never, they never suspected I was bad or that I'd hurt them in the end. Also, it's not as if that's always my motive in the first place. Just because I'm horrible and screwed up doesn't mean I'm not still...human." My eyes widened.

He's right. I've never looked at Alastor and thought, 'wow he was a person once' I've thought,

'Wow he could wipe out the entirety of Pentagram City.' Or

'Wow where did he harvest all this power from'

Or, "wow he's kind of hot when he's mad'

But he was human, and still is at heart. His appearance may have changed, but he was mortal. That's what makes him so terrifying down here.

He continued, "I know I deserve this..." his voice was quiet, "I'm in hell for a reason," he sighed, "but I've never been happier to have you as a friend." My cheeks heated up. Why am I blushing? He said friend, Emagine, friend.

But I couldn't help it. I'm laying in a handsome man's arms while he pours his dead heart out to me. How more romantic could this be?

I finally sat up, and smoothed my hair down before smiling at him. I pulled him into my lap like he had done for me last night, and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Alastor, I don't think I've ever been more terrified of anyone to walk hell's streets before," I started as his eyes slowly looked like they were getting heavier, "but I've never been happier to call him my best friend."

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