Chapter 10

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Nini was peacefully sleeping at her house as no one except Jocelyn were home as her dad and Christopher had gone to The Vipers for some meeting. Nini didn't care about that and just eat some dinner and was off to bed as you all know what happened in the morning.

But a gangleaders daughter can never truly be in peace can she? No...the answer is fucking no.

She could hear her bedroom door open and multiple foot steps,but did Nini move? Again the answer is no as she just wanted to sleep and she will sleep even if the world ends or if she will be getting kidnapped..sleep is the most important thing in the world.

Mike- Wake up!

Nini- Fuck off*groans and buries her head further in the pillow*

Ricky- *pulls her blanket*Get up it's important

Nini- I am in my flipping underwear Richard! The fuck??*gets up and covers herself*

Ricky- Oh..uh..sorry*shifts uncomfortably and cheeks turn red*

Nini- Whatever*rolls her eyes* What the fuck are you guys here for? You disturbed my sleep

George- Babe I know what you mean sleep is important*high fives her*

Nini- Have I ever told you that I like you George?

George- Who doesn't*flips his imaginary hair*

Nini- *laughs*So what's up? *sits criss cross*

Mike- Right*rubs his forehead tiredly* Apparently your dad is kidnapped by "The Roses"

Nini- OK? So? What should I do?

EJ- Your dad is kidnapped and you don't care?*confused*

Nini- *yawns*He's a gangleader obviously he can take care of himself

Roger- You still are his daughter tho

Nini- Fine*sighs* What do you want me to do?

Mike- We just wanted to tell you

Nini- I'll tell my gang....wait who was it?

Mike- "The Roses"

Nini- You should've told me that before*rolls her eyes*

Dustin- Why do you know them?*raises an eyebrow*

Nini- Sadly yes

Mike- So....

Nini- I have the number but I don't want to call 'him'

Mike- Do it I need my bestie to be alive till I am alive

Nini- Did you just say 'bestie' *snickers*

Mike- Just call him

Nini- Fine,fine*exaggerates*

~On the call(its on speaker obviously but I thought to just inform and now I'm rambling so let's start)~


I knew you would call me,you finally want me,right?

Ew no obviously not*gags and laughs*

You are going to be mine one day

Keep dreaming asswipe

I will call me anything but I will love you

Mafia Leaders Girl-Rini AU(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now