Chapter 15

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*if you guys are confused the names which are in bold are who's perspective we are reading from*

In the past few weeks Angela has become friends with the whole group mostly Nini and mostly one of the guy of the group had her attention but the sad thing is that she could see the love in his eyes for another girl she didn't want to come in between them so she tried to get over her stupid high school crush.

But whenever she hung out with the guys he always made time for her and he was a total gentleman making her fall head over heels for him even if she knew that it was wrong she couldn't betray her friend like that.

Angela was the kind of girl who didn't have a great family life nor a poor family life she was just average mom who was a housewife and dad who was a busy man and didn't have time for her. She wouldn't say she was not rich she had money but not too much like others but she was satisfied as she had a roof over her head and food to eat.

She had gained the trust of everyone in the group except Gina for some reason but she as Nini said didn't trust most of the people except Nini and Kourtney...she obviously had trust issues I mean in this world it is difficult to trust some people or mostly all.

Right now all the girls are over at Gina's house in her room just fallen in different places in the room just talking about thing.

Angela- So from the amount of time I've been in the group I can easily say three guys are totally in love with you girls*laughs*

Gina- You mean EJ?*groans*he's been trying to get my attention from the first day of school

Angela- You could give him a chance

Gina- I don't know girl,he's sweet and everything but he still is in a gang

Nini- That's why you don't like him?

Gina- That's not what I mean I just don't trust him yet

Nini- Whatever but he is head over heels just like how Andrew is for Kourt*wiggles her eyebrows*

Angela- That's what I was going to say

Kourtney- He does not like me*scoffs*

Nini- Sure,and he does not look at you like you are his world

Kourtney- You guys are going mad

Angela- Whatever we all know he likes you but be the oblivious one fine by me

Nini- Fine by me too

Kourtney- Oh you don't even talk

Nini- Why?

Kourtney- Shall I remind you 'sexy mafia leader'

Nini- Not again*groans*I don't believe in the love/soulmate shit

Angela- You guys would look cute

Nini- Whatever

Angela- You know what you guys should do?

Everyone- What?

Angela- Kourtney,you think that Andrew doesn't like/love you right?

Kourtney- Yeah?So?

Angela- Tomorrow you guys have school so like ya know try to see if he likes you like try acting flirty or do something creative*smirks*

Kourtney- What? No I won't do that

Nini- Now that I think of it that's a good idea*high fives Angela*

Gina- Yeah,I gotta agree with you

Mafia Leaders Girl-Rini AU(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now