Chapter 12

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Now you may be wondering 'what happened to Christopher?' 'Is he dead?' 'Is he in a coma?' 'Is Nini fine?' or let's just start with the most simple plus the most complex question which is 'What the fuck is going on?'.

Ok,so in the last part we left off with Robert and Christopher getting kidnapped by Nini's crazy person and Christopher getting shot by Xavier now we are at the hospital with Christopher in the emergency room and both the gangs are in the waiting room waiting for information about Christopher,Nini has finally fallen asleep and Mike and his gang have gone home too.

Ricky obviously didn't want to leave Nini but he promised them that he would be back in the morning to check up on the two.

Now let's see where we are-

We(Nini and Robert) are in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to finally come and tell them the news. They both dread the worse but Robert kept assuring her that everything would be fine and that she shouldn't worry so much.

Robert had already called Mike and told him to not let his son nor anyone else come to the hospital again as he didn't want to trouble them all the time. Mike obviously understood and said the if he ever needed help he would be there for him.

Finally after ages the doctor came out but from his face expression we could see that the news will be bad the doctor asked to talk privately with Robert so he left Nini with he thoughts.

Nini kept thinking the worst 'What of he lost too much blood?' 'What if that was the last time I saw him?' 'What if he got some deadly disease and so the doctor didn't talk in front of me?'

Nini kept thinking the worst until she saw her dad walking towards her again

Nini- What's wrong? Is Christopher okay? Does he have some dangerous disease that is killing him slowly...omg I knew it fuck we can help him tho right? Because I mean there should be some treatment for it we can't just let him die dad we need to help him through the disease-

Robert- Stop,Nini you are starting to rant again,and seriously the best outcome you could come with is a 'deadly disease?'*raises an eyebrow*

Nini- Yes,yes it is*fold her hands over her chest and glares at him* so do you want to tell me what happened to him?

Robert- There is no easy way to say this but....

Nini- But? Come on dad tell me!

Robert- he's dead okay? he fucking died is that what you fucking want to hear,your bodyguard the guy who was your bestfriend no longer lives on earth and is probably somewhere else jsut because of Xavier and his gang..I swear to god I am going to kill each one of them slowly*shouts at nini*

Nini- Da-

Robert- No Nini,you do know this is all your fault right? 

Nini- How is this my fault dad?What are you saying?

Robert- You know what I am saying*spits angrily*

Mike and his gang come

Mike- What's going on here?

Robert- *glaring at Nini*nothing.nothing at all*walks away*

Nini- *groans*I seriously hate my life sometimes*rubs her eyes*

Mike- What happened? We could hear shouting

Nini- Nothing it's fine*laughs humorlessly*

EJ- How is Christopher? Or whatever his name is

Nini- Dead...because of me

Mike- What do you mean?

Nini- Nothing,I just- I have to see Chris for the last time*walks away*

Mike- Sometimes I seriously wish that Robert would just go to anger management*sighs*

Ricky- Did Robert seriously say that it was her fault Christopher seriously??

Ricky was angry at Robert for saying such things to Nini,his love of his life but seriously nobody knew that he had anger issues I mean we should've known by the amount of times he has shot people and hit them mercilessly.

Sighing everyone knew it wasn't there place to be in this family drama...even though as Andrew said 'Ricky is already family so he should stay here' but one glare from Ricky shut him up even though it was the truth*giggles like a mad man in love*

Mike went to Richard and calmed him down which was easier said then done and if you were in the same hospital then whew*wipes sweat from forehead* but he did become calm and obviously he did feel embarrassed with what he had done but he knew now won't be the best time to go and talk to her. Mike took Richard home and stayed with him for sometime so that Richard could rant to him. I know I am the bestest bestfriend allowing my friend to rant to me and shit *makes a heart with his hands*

Nini,nini on the other hand went to see Chris for the last time.....

Ok,so yay Christopher is dead actually this was a heartless comment so...oh no Christopher died*fakes sad face* but let's forget this but now who else hates Robert?*raises hand* oh ok only me? Well that was awkward as fuck but I mean*laughs nervously* let's see if I can update this book again tomorrow so let's see byeee<3. Oh yeah and audrey_sparkles
here ya go his beautiful death as you wanted M'lady*winks*.

Mafia Leaders Girl-Rini AU(discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora