Chapter 13

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Here we go with ~depressed~ ok let's just start with the story

Nini had just come home from the hospital and was laying in bed just staring at her ceiling with a blank face and tears continuously falling on her cheeks.

She just saw her soulmate,crush,lover,bodyguard,best friend and future husband ;) die right in front of her obviously she's not fine. Everyone around her thinks that she's overreacting but nobody knows that he was not only that but soo much more to her.

Her dad had still not apologized to her and was now again in his home office doing some work and avoiding Nini like a plague.

Nini obviously being the smarter one in the family knew that it wasn't her fault that Chris died but mostly the psychopaths fault so she decided that two can play this game and she stopped talking to her father. 

Ricky,now Ricky on the other hand didn't know what the fuck to do in his life..that's right. After his senior year (the current year) he will be the leader of his mafia and so he has a lot of work to do but he still wants to be near Nini and comfort her.

Nini had messaged Gina and Kourtney about this but apparently Gina was the only one who was sad first but later became happy because apparently now Ricky doesn't have any competition*sighs*.

They had come home after an hour luckily today was saturday so they didn't have school the next day. They watched movies,ate ice-cream and then allowed Nini to rant about how fucked up her life is...and till now it's totally fucked.

The next day she was only lying down and didn't do anything just blankly staring at the television and only eating because Jocelynn forced her to eat.

Monday came soon enough and now Nini,Gina and Kourtney were driving to school,obviously Nini wouldn't show anymore of her feeling.

She had decided that she would only cry that weekend and now she wouldn't show her feelings to anyone anymore.

Gina and Kourtney knew where she was coming from but that doesn't mean they just allowed her to become a heartless bitch but Nini didn't listen to her friends.

In the car both the girls are sitting behind and Nini who's face was void of emotions was driving the car with some music playing at the background.

They reached school and walked towards Ricky and his gang who were once again leaning against there bikes and smoking but they straightened up when they saw the girls coming towards them.


George- How are you girl*cautiously talks to Nini*

Nini- Why are you talking to me like that?

George- I don't know I thought that you would be crying or something and not ya know..becoming some scary person.

Nini- We'll thank you I guess*smirks*

Andrew- What the fuck happened to you?

Nini- Nothing,I just realized something too late. i'll be taking a leave now*leaves*

Ricky- Is she okay?

Gina- Obviously not what do you think Bowen?*glares at him*

Ricky- Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?*walks closer to her*

Gina- I am not scared of you Bowen,I don't care who's son you are*spits angrily*

Ricky- I swear-

EJ- Okay people let's go to class*drags Ricky and walks behind the guys*

Kourtney- Does someone fancy you?*wiggles her eyebrows*

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