Chapter 17 : Hyperlink 2.0

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I quickly closed the door from inside. I barred it using the shoe rack kept nearby and locked it up using a string I'd found earlier. This will keep them away for a while.

I saw the broken box. However, the silver ring wasn't there. I went to the place where Avni was standing. There laid a bag and the teddy bear.

I checked the bag. Nothing much. I checked her mobile. Screen cracked. But it was still working. There was a missed call from... Maanav ?!

I found out that they'd a call for like 40 seconds. Time- 10:51PM. That's after I left and before she died. But why....?

My glance went to the teddy bear. Avni's precious gift. A light brownish soft toy. And it smiled... It smiled despite the condition it was in.

He had a stitched t-shirt which had a sign of heart with Akshit and Avni written on it. I was overwhelmed and hugged it tightly. "Avni...", I cried as I held it even more tightly.

"Hello..", a recorded voice greeted me.

This was the new trend, I realized. You record your voice and then it replays when you hug it.

"Hi, Akshit. This is Avni. You know it... Ok... This was actually to say that I loved you very much..."
"I know it sounds dumb to repeat it again and again... But I really love you yaar. I mean I haven't felt anything like this before.

You.. you made me feel so special all along. Just be always there for me. I always want us to be together till death do us apart...

Let's take it this way... I wish life to give us some magical moments which make us drive crazy... Moments where we find ourselves... Moments where we forget the whole world and just be together under the night sky looking at the stars... Moments where we find only unconditional love...

And... In all these moments, we find our own fairytale. We rediscover ourselves, the bond we share with each other...

I will really confess today about myself. I know I'm an over possessive girlfriend. The thing is I don't hate Tanvi. It's just that, I want to be the only one in your life.

I want to be the reason you get a peaceful sleep at night however hard the day may be. I want to be the reason you smile. I want to be the reason you are goody, happy and contended. Only I..."

I could hear Avni sobbing in the recording now,
"Akshit.... Please don't leave me ever. The bond we share it's beyond everything...

I want this relationship to be so strong that no power can break it. Let's grow old together, let's travel the world... holding each other's hands.

Let's be best friends instead of best lovers. Let's forget what we've gone through and start a new life. Let's be each other's most beautiful dream and a perfect reality...

Can we be really together before it's too late ? Will... Will you be there for me always ?....

However you are Akshit, I love you. I hope you liked it" *giggle*. And the teddy bear froze. I was speechless.... I felt my hands and feet numb.

"I love you too", I managed to speak.

I just couldn't do anything. "AVNIII !!!!", I cried out loud enough to wake up the people of the nearby buildings.

"It shouldn't have ended like this. It shouldn't have ended like...", Avni's echoing voice in my head caused me to scream. All the incidents, moments, events all came to my mind. My brain became overcrowded.

All was like zap zoop zoop. All memories flashed back at full speed. I closed my eyes and clutched my head.

Suddenly it all stopped. It was pitch black.
I could hear someone sobbing. Near me. Actually in my head.

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