Chapter 11 : Vinay ? where are you ?

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I'd given my jacket and shirt to both of them as their clothes were ripped. We came back to the camp. But there was no one to be found.

We picked up our bags as I searched for that shrub. Tanvi quickly wrapped her handkerchief around my wound, as we made it out of the forests.

Yes. It was still there. I found my backup mobile and called Elizabeth miss.
"Hello, I'm Akshit. Me, Avni and Tanvi are still in the forests. Where are you ?", I asked.

They were at the entrance, waiting for us. We found them and quickly entered the bus.
"Vinay ??? Where's Vinay ?", Samantha asked.

"Vinay ?", I said as I turned to Avni and Tanvi. They were confused too.

"Vinay... We thought he was with you...", Mahira said.

"DHHOOOFFF !!!!", Another blaring noise deafened our ears. An explosion. It was the terrorist's camp, I noticed.
"NOOO !!!", Samantha's scream filled the bus.

Vinay wasn't coming back now...

We waited for a few minutes. Still no signs of him. There wasn't any point to stay there now.

People were already asking us about what happened and why Avni was wearing my shirt.

We choose to be silent. I didn't want to put anyone in danger. Especially, Tanvi for the 2 people she had killed for saving us.


I was at my house now. Few doctors and medical experts encircled me, REDZ -printed in bold on their coats. Mom was attending all the incoming phone calls.

"The cuts are deep, you are a strong boy", one of the doctors said, as he bandaged my shoulder. The other one was checking my head.

"You sure they didn't give a shock or something to you ?", He asked.
"Maybe some tasers", I replied.

"Ya, and did they inject you with something ?", He continued.
"I don't know !", I exclaimed.

"Maybe all he needs is some rest", Jayesh interrupted. Though, it sounded more like an order. The room was evacuated within a few minutes, leaving behind only me and him.

"Son, I'm your father. Don't hide anything from me", he said.

"I'm not hiding anything", I replied.

" Ok then , I think you need more time.. Fine, Take your own time...", He continued as he walked away.

Thoughts filled my mind once again. Avni, Tanvi, the terrorists,
and most importantly Vinay ? Where could he be ?

Hey wait, and what was that thing I got in my head...
The front leg... Of the chair... is rotten, broken..
Seems freaky. But it did happen. Was is it because of....

My phone began to ring. I picked it up. Tanvi ?!

"Hi... how are you feeling ?"
"Ya well, I'm fine. How are you ? The cuts that the chief made. What about them ?", I asked.

"Hmm... It hurts but it's all bandaged and stitched up now. But it wasn't so deep. Hence, it's all good"

"What about you ? The cuts on your shoulder ?"
"Ya. It's good. Btw, you remember something about injecting me ? The doctors say that..."

"No. I seriously don't have any idea"

"Hmm... "

*(Awkward silence)*

That's when Avni called up too.
"Tanvi, I'm getting another call... So...", I said.
"Ya ya, bye..."

"Bye", I said as I was about to end the call.
"Hey wait. Wait wait", she interrupted.

"What now ?"
"Umm.. take care", she said and quickly cut the call.

I called up Avni once again.
"You busy ?", she asked.

"No, no, no. It's just.. leave that. How are you feeling now ?"
"Better. Doctors say I'll get better in no time. What about you ?"

"I'm fine", I asked her about the injection too. She too didn't have any idea.

That's when someone else got hold of Avni's phone. "Hey !", I heard her protest.

"Akshit, how are you doing bro ?", someone asked.
I knew the voice.  How could I forget him ?

"Maanav ? What the hell are you doing there ?", I enquired.
"Me ? Let's just say Avni's dad and my dad are quite good friends, you know. My family is stabilized you know, unlike yours. Came here to see Avni."

"And ya.. thanks for saving Avni. I'm kinda grateful for that thing. After all, she's so precious to me..."
"You take her name agai..."

"And, most importantly, she told me everything. EVERYTHING !!", He sounded more of evil.
"What ?!" What the hell was wrong with Avni ? I told her not to tell anyone. And what's the thing with Maanav now ? Why is he suddenly going after Avni. Aren't the other girls of our college enough for him ?

"Akshit. Sorry but Avni can't wait I think. Have to take a leave. Bye", Maanav brought me back to my senses.

"Bye. Enjoy", I replied, still confused why did I add 'enjoy' to my sentence. I ended the call.

"Tomorrow, meet at Suvarna. 10AM. Only you. No one else please", I texted both the girls. I didn't want to mess it all. If Maanav ends up talking this to everyone, we were gone. Especially, Tanvi.

Afterwards, Avni called up again. "Hi Akshit"
"Hmm..", I tried to sound disappointed.

"I'm sorry yaar.. I know I shouldn't have told Maanav but it's just... You won't understand."

"Here I've understood the whole calculus in a few weeks. I don't understand what's more complicated than that ?", I said, sarcastically.

"Don't try to correlate unrelated things... Maanav is all goody goody to my family. They all like him. But I don't... It's sorta confusing", she said.

"Whatever", I said.

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