EPILOGUE - The library incident

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Ya, well this happened in the library period we had in the 3rd lecture. The day after the proposal. I usually race to the science section to check the new books.

But today, things were different. Avni looked in a good mood. Vaibhav was nudging me constantly.

"Go for it, bro", he said. Time to do something.
"Uh... Hey Avni", I said. My voice echoed atleast 3 times before reaching her. I almost forgot, it's a library.

"Silence ! Shhhh !!", the library ma'am silenced me. I could see Vaibhav hitting his forehead. Avni giggled in the corner.

Ok sign language. I signalled her to come to the science section. It was usually deserted. I went from the left side. Avni from right. We meet at the middle.

"Hey", I said.
"Hi Akshit...", Avni said.

Actually, it felt awkward. Especially, if you had a 'romance attempt' a day ago. Ok sort of this, not exactly.

She was keeping her head low, and secretly smiling.

"You look beautiful today", I said slowly, not able to find anything else to say. We'd keep our voices low.
The shelves blocked the teacher's view but not her hearing.

"Thanks, you too", she replied.

Then, there was this awkward silence. I looked here and there. I didn't know exactly what to do.

That's when Avni let out a little laugh.
"What happened ?", I asked with a smile.

"You're so cute, so funny", she said as she giggled once again.

"Oh...", I also let out little laugh. "Stress... It makes us so dumb", we both laughed.
"Don't take tension Avni", I said.

"Why would I be tensed ?", She said.

"I don't know. I thought you were expecting me to say it more often", I said blushing. "You know, the I love you."

"Oh.... good", she said. "Um.."

"Nothing to say I guess", I heard a voice in my head.

"Yes, nothing to say... actually", I replied too fast.
"Uh, how did you know ?", Avni asked, confused.

"What ?", I asked.
"I didn't speak it out actually. I just thought of it" she said.

"I know the other things going on in your mind too", I said as I moved closer.
"Oh, is it ? Let's find out then", she said as she approached me.

Our faces coming closer. Ok 4th try...

"Hey !!!!", I heard a voice. "What do you think you are doing here ?", the library ma'am said.

We both put our hands towards the shelf. Our hands met as we touched the same book. We took out that book from the shelf.

"The new book", I said as we held the book.
"The book is an old one, boy", the ma'am corrected. Uh oh.

"What he means is a new project", Avni said immediately.

"Ok... watch your backs kids", the ma'am said as she left.

"Phew, that was a narrow escape", Avni said.
"Ya, thanks for the excuse", I said.

I saw the book, we were holding- "Morphic Resonance" by Rupert Sheldrake. Woah. I'd seen this on the web.

"What is it ?", Avni asked.

"It seems good. I don't know exactly but
.", I said as I began reading it. Avni too occasionally peeped inside the book.

The ma'am came again. "You two still here ?", she asked.

"This book.. I've never seen anything like this before", I said. The librarian had a look at it. "Oh, Morphic Resonance...", she hummed.

"It's an interesting theory put forth by this biologist Rupert Sheldrake. It says objects have a tendancy to carry a morphogenic field around themselves which is generally invisible to us. It says that objects have memory...

But it was rejected by scientists considering it imagination and something that's nearly impossible", she continued.

"But recently, studies revealed that water has memories. And shouldn't this be kind of proving this Morphic Resonance ?", I asked.

"Ya, it does but...", Ma'am paused.

"But what ?", Avni popped up, but ma'am just left without any clue.

"I felt her. She had to say something", I told Avni.

"You know what is it ?", Avni asked.

"Ya, she said- it's better if it remains undiscovered..."

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