Chapter 7 : Riveting Rivalry

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Operation Triangle was a mess. Thank God dad wiped our names from all of this ruckus, through his contacts.

Avni had developed a kind of insecurity towards me, especially my recent unpredictable aggressive behaviour. I knew she wasn't used to it. Tanvi was depressed too. Vinay as usual unaffected.

Our retaliation did cause some serious effects though.
Realizing the increasing activity of Haiwan-e-Aatank, the government decided to equip students with self defense and survival training.

"Akshit ?! Are you even listening ?", Someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes. Avni ?!

"Great team, captain", Avni said sarcastically as Tanvi came near us.
Just a second, what's happening ? I guess I dozed off again.

"These coming 3 days, starting from tomorrow, you will have a camp-cum-seminar", Elizabeth miss announced before I could ask anyone.

"Everyone try to get along with your teammates", she added.

Later that day, we were given the instructions. We were going to Panvel. For the same reason. Equiping students with self defense and survival training, it seems. Me, still confused as to how did I end up becoming a captain.

But most importantly, I had a crazy team to handle with- Avni, Tanvi, Vinay, and the new one, Mahira. Vinay already had his eyes on the girls. Oh God.

We were going to Jehelgad forests, a place that would freak out anyone, to be honest. Some say it's haunted. Some say there are illegal activities going on there. They also say that some terrorists from Haiwan-e-Aatank, still have their bases there. But the state government denies it all. But surprisingly, there wasn't much of media coverage that I expected.

Most of my classmates dropped the idea because of these reasons, but we were assured safety as some military personnels would accompany us as per government's instructions.

We were told not to carry any survival kit, matchsticks, mobile,.. just the things we normally carry in our bag- a book, tiffin, compass..

After college, we all team-1 members met behind the campus. "So what's the deal captain ?", Avni said, smiling.

"First, I'm Akshit. I'm your captain", I gave Avni a serious expression. "Vinay, Avni, Mahira, Tanvi ?! Where's Tanvi ?", I looked around.

"There she is", Mahira pointed out. This girl literally looks like a 10-12 year old kid. You sure you are in our class, I thought. We went towards Tanvi. Mahira went up to her. We too followed. She was crying, "Why does fate always..."

"Tanvi, we all belong to the same team ok ?", Mahira tried to calm her down. "We are all friends now." Avni closed her fist. "Avni, please ?", I whispered.

I went towards Tanvi. "Tanvi, listen to me. Why are you tensed ? We all are a team now. You hate me na ? I'm sorry. Really really sorry", I said, as I recalled his everyone blamed her for the incident.

Tanvi looked in my eyes with a serious feeling. "The problem is not with you. It never was. The thing that disturbs me is... Her...", Tanvi said, pointing towards... Avni ?!

Avni looked furious now.
Ok. Fingers crossed.

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