Chapter 2

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Dear God, all I did is to offer my personal opinions . My critiques maybe a bit sharp, my words may be a bit harsh, and maybe my criticisms only resulted in a few hundred restaurants closing, but how can you just listen to one side of the story and come up with a system to force me to become a chef? What happened to free speech?

The thought of being forced by a system to learn to cook is very humiliating and depressing . If this system also considered cooking ordinary everyday dishes as acceptable, Michael may find the system not too bad . But this system aimed to make Michael the God of Cooking .

God of Cooking? You must be kidding! Michael feels like swearing and cursing .

Papa, are you ok? Amy reached out to touch Michaels face . Her tiny face showing a concerned look . Amy felt that for some strange reason, her father seemed to be different from the past, but for the life of her, she cannot tell what had changed .

Feeling the warmth of the little hands touching his face, Michael stopped his self-pity and came back to reality . He forced himself to remain calm . Smiling, he tried to recall where he put his monies . Reaching into his pockets, he fished out two copper coins and gave them to Amy, Amy, you go out and buy two pancakes . Tonight we are not going to cook .

Really? Yeah! My favorite food! Amys face reveals a hint of surprise and joy . Her tiny hands picked up the two copper coins, hugged Michael and kissed him, and jumped down from the bed . She quickly put on her shoes and ran out of the house .

Michael stared at the door where Amy disappeared . For some strange reason, he was feeling quite crestfallen . Pancakes in this world are a type of rough and tough common food . It cost one copper a piece . During these two years, Michael barely managed to survive and take care of Amy by taking on odd jobs . The pay was meager, and he can only afford to buy a pancake for Amy during holidays .

Amy was a good girl and understood the familys financial situation . Although she loves to eat pancakes, she never asked for one .

Right now, being alone, Michael wonders where has the darn [System] gone?

Michael picked himself up from the bed, and wore his scandals . He then walked towards an old, cracked mirror to evaluate his current looks .

Because of a lack of food and prolonged exposure to the sun in doing odd jobs, his white skin has turned a bit yellowish . Surprisingly, the Michael McGonagall in this world has an uncanny resemblance to Michael Shens former self . Michael estimated that they are about 70-80% similar . But the curly brown hair that stubborn twirled towards the back of his head and the face full of beard made Michael look a bit shabby .

This is such a waste of my natural good looks! Michael could not help but exclaim . Looking like this, if I go out on the streets, I will probably spook the children . What a slob Michael McGonagall was! He is a man with a child and yet he does not know how to make himself look presentable .

3 years ago, after the incident that crippled Michael McGonagall, Michael McGonagall almost give up on life and contemplated suicide . If not for the existence of Amy, Michael McGonagall would have taken his own life .

The small child seemed to have a tough life with you . But no worries, I will definitely give her a better life! Michael clenched his fists, but somehow he felt that he could muster any strength into his hands .

Although his fractured hands and legs had recovered, Michael felt that he is like an invalid . Even the simple act of clenching his fists and putting strength into the fists is difficult .

And right now the situation in the home is also dire . The home could be described as tiny square, and surrounded by four walls . The room only had one bed . There is only a small blanket on the bed, and it is used to cover Amy when she sleeps .

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