Chapter 4

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Michael turned on the tap and gulped down several mouthfuls of water. Then he supported himself on the basin and panted as he slowly recovered. When he woke up, he did not drink any glass of water, and his mouth was very dry. The pancake logged itself in his dry throat and almost choked him to death. Even though he had dislodged the piece of pancake, his throat still felt painful and inflamed.

If it was in his previous world, he would immediately come up with a thousand ways to criticize the food. He would make sure the shop close down with his scalding comments and criticism! This food is unfit for human consumption!

Michael did not notice when Amy did ran over.

He looked down to see Amys concerned face as she pulled his shirt and enquired. "Papa, are you all right?"

"En, I am all right, just that I choked just now." Michael reached out his hand to stroke her hair. His expression changed from one of panting and gasping to grinning. The feeling of being shown concerned by someone and having someone being dependent on him warmed his heart. Somehow, any ill-will he had towards the pancake and the pancake maker had dissipated a bit.

Right now, he is just a normal father. It is time for the food critic in his past life to stay buried; he does not want to be reborn again as someone else.

Amy heaved a sigh of relief upon learning that Michael is all right. But she did not seem at ease, and finally gave Michael a lecture. "Papa, you should eat slowly. Although the pancake is tasty, you should not gobble and take big bites. You should slowly take small bites so that you will not choke on the food."

"En, you are right." Michael looked at Amy in the eyes and nodded his head in agreement. Amy, finally satisfied, made her way back to the seat, and enjoy her meal.

Michael did not go out with Amy, but rather, he stayed back to examine the kitchen.

The kitchen design is like a long stripe, and is about 10 square meters. It can be considered rather spacious. There are 4 embedded gas stoves in the kitchen, and a silvercolorr suction hood. On one side of the kitchen is a large refrigerator with 4 doors.

This is a really standard modern kitchen, but a lot of the space is still empty. The knife rack has only one Chinese chopper, and there are no pots and pans in the kitchen.

[System], did you forget to include the electrical appliances and kitchen wares into the kitchen? As well, the fridge is also empty." Michael looked into the empty refrigerator and sighed. All his thoughts of cooking something for dinner tonight has disappeared into dust.

"You have not unlocked these electrical appliances yet. Once you have finished your tasks, they will be unlocked. As for fridge, I will only provide the ingredients that you need to cook during your training. If you want to use the food for other purposes, including for sale, you need to purchase these ingredients." The [System] replied.

"The [System] really goes overboard in forcing me to learn to cook.." Michael was momentarily stunned and helpless. Looks like today he had to go hungry and there is nothing to cook. But the [System] had mentioned that ingredients could be purchased. Does this means that there is no need to find a supplier to procure ingredients, and whatever ingredients I need, I can purchase it directly from the [System]?

After walking around the kitchen and confirming that there is really nothing to eat, Michael turned on the tap and filled two bowls with water. He then made his way back to the dining area. It is imperative that he completes the tasks that the [System] has assigned him as soon as possible, lor he would really starve.

After trying the disgusting pancake in this world, Michael was really looking forward to cooking and eating Yang Zhou fried rice. It is his desire to let his daughter, Amy, try the finest cuisine in his home world. Also, the thought of using Yang Zhou fried rice to conquer this world is a very interesting idea.

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