The Unlucky Number

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(This is just a side story to get into the mood of Friday the 13th and a bloody Valentine. I hope you enjoy :) One more thing: This takes place about 3 months ago. If you want to continue to chapter 10, then skip this and the next chapter. If you want background information so you aren't confused in the future chapters, then read this and the next chapter.

          It was long day of school work. Just one more day until the weekend, paradise. It was late and I had already finished most of my homework, brushed my teeth, and finished procrastinating. It was February 13 tomorrow and Friday. I wonder what people will do tomorrow, how they will prank? I believe most will get into the Valentine's spirit. Valentine's day, merely an excuse to give someone a flower. A flower that supposedly shows friendship or love. Love. such a strong word for being so small. I jumped into bed, wearing my sweats and a T-shirt. I snuggled into bed. I don't have a date tomorrow. That's sad. Who do I like? I looked up at the ceiling. The light fading dark. The room was pitch black. My vision was just coming back. Who likes me? I thought more about this. The feeling of the unknown. I slowly closed my eyes. They became heavy. I didn't want tomorrow to come, but I also didn't want today to finish. Today was great. Everything was normal, everyone. There was no teacher trouble, drama, or anything that could be recognized as a nuisance. Sleep quickly came to me. I out and up in the next minute. Dreams are always so short and yet it's been so long since we have hit the bed. Time if deception. I got up and put on my normal beige boots, dark sweats, a grey sweatshirt and threw on a beige coat. It was pretty windy out today. I brushed my hair up and put on my hat. Before I could step out the door, my mom called out to me. I turned to the kitchen.
"Yes?" I asked her.
"Where you off so early?" She smiled, implying something I didn't want to think about. I checked my watch.
"It's only five minutes early." I told her. I sat at the table and she was brewing coffee for herself. Mother always had such a sweet personality and a great smile. She would warm a cold heart.
"Well sweetie, you know back in my time, Valentine's day was such an excitement. We went out to the movies, had fun and weren't lonely." She looked at me.
"I am not lonely mom." Is what she was implying.
"Ian." She took my hands. "That's what lonely people say."
"Mom." I moved my hands from her. "I am not lonely. Now I am going to be late." I got up and put my bag on.
"Find yourself some love sweetie, someone nice. Have fun tonight." Her voiced died out as I left the house. I could hear her laughing. She always taunts me about love. Father is hardly ever home. He's always too busy with work, but he comes now and then. I don't hate him, I only wish he'd think about us for once. I trailed through the ice and snow. The wind was strong and cold. It was about twenty degrees out here, but the wind was like negative one. I made my way to class. I sat down, in my chair. There was a note on the table. Mr. Gimmick was calling out names and taking attendance. I unraveled the note. It read: "There are some lives not worth living, some not worth mentioning. To die is to be free. Free from the grasp of this cruel world." I closed the note and looked around to see if anyone might have given it to me, but none of them made a reaction. Was this a 'Friday the 13th' prank? I put it in my pocket. Interesting. Mr. Gimmick let us have a free period, since he basically had nothing better to do. Everyone gave each other roses and exchanged cards, gifts and kisses. One person came turning to look at me. He seemed worried or afraid. He held a white rose. It was Ethan. He was a new kid that just came in last week. All he has done was admire me. I felt uncomfortable. Then there was Kaitlin, who didn't care about life and constantly stared out the window. I was actually hoping for her to give me something. The bell finally rang and I took all my stuff and was glad to leave. Someone then tapped me by the shoulder. I turned to see Ethan. He was my height.
"Here" He gave me the rose. His ears turned a hot red. "Thanks for showing me that... path." He waited for me to accept the rose. Kaitlin walked by and smiled, almost laughing. I took the rose.
"Thanks, uh Ethan." I smiled. He smiled back and then scurried away. That was weird. I looked at the rose. Something was on it. I unraveled the rose petals. There was a note. It read: "In the valley of the dolls, we sleep. Got a hole inside of me. Living with identities, that do not belong to me. In my life I got this far, now I'm ready for the last hoorah. Dying like a shooting star, in the valley." I stared at the petal for a long while trying to understand why he would give this to me. The bell rang.
"OH MY GOD!!!" Someone yelled from outside. It was far, but I could her them loud and clear. What was it, I thought. I dropped the rose accidently and rushed to the sound.

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