Chapter 20: Jeff vs. Ian

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I thought Jeff would be much stronger than this. It was almost too easy. Or maybe my anger was taking over me. As jabbed him from right to left, he just sustained damage. He was purposely getting hurt. Or maybe it was something else. I forced him away.
"C'mon Jeff. You're boring me." I mocked him. He got up.
"I wouldn't be too sure." He looked completely healed, as if everything I did had no effect. "The party has only just begun." He grimaced and as he did, I noticed that a misty dark aura had formulated around him. His pale face turned a shade darker and he was finally looking like he will fight back.
"I'm not afraid of you Jeff." All I kept thinking about is killing him for Kaitlin.
"I'm not the one you should be afraid of." He said.
"What-?" Jeff charged at me with great speed, catching me off guard and swinging his powerful leg at me. I stiffened my left, but he had anticipated and crossed me right. I was knocked by the jaw and thrown to the ground. I absorbed the pain and kicked my way back up. This was just like Almery's training. He was right, sometimes my own protection won't help. I held my fists up in both defense and offense. If Jeff is going to attack me, I better be ready to take his damage because to him, pain is just another vestigial, a way of feeling like a human, something Jeff isn't. I took first hit and managed to take him by the arm and bringing him down. He rolled to the side and quickly got back up. He charged at me and at close contact, wrapped his arm around my neck. He had me at a headlock, a position I had been in before.

It was a hold that was both offensive and defensive. Once someone has you by the neck, it was almost impossible not to be at their mercy. The Carotid artery located at my neck, can be easily blocked, stopping the supplement of oxygen to my brain. He can knock me out. I had to free myself from this position. I lifted my right and with immense force, I anchored it at his shin, or at least tried. He saw my move, read me like a book, and slipped into the cold ground. I looked around, watching for any movement. Jeff was as quiet as a pill bug. I was suddenly slipped into the ground. My body just slid into the earth. Someone had pulled my leg. It was Jeff. He was able to make be invulnerable to the ground, being able to move through solids. He was taking me somewhere. We slipped out from the ceiling and I came crashing towards the ground. I managed to break my fall. Jeff was standing right in front of me, not taking his chance to get me.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"Just somewhere where we can get serious." He grimaced.
"What do you mean by serious?" I was getting an eerie feeling from Jeff. The room was shaped like a cube. It was an open room with nothing in it. The walls were solid metal and a light blue. The ground was cool concrete.
"You know, you have so much power and knowledge, it's a shame that you don't know how to use it." Jeff stepped forward with one foot. As his foot touched the ground, the black mist darkened and expanded around him. I could feel the dark energy and madness that came with it. He was truly a failed experiment.

I could only imagine what Jeff was planning to do next. He balled his fists and charged at me again. I formed my force field and moved away from him. His fist met my barrier and the mist around his arm started to shatter the barrier. I released it and took his arm. I threw him across the room, using my telekinesis. Not stopping, we started at each other again. He landed a punch at me and then I did the same. We clashed, his dark mist and my telekinesis mixing. A powerful kick to my ribs and I was sent weeping on the ground. I took a deep breath, swallowing the pain again. I don't know how much more I can take. Against Jeff, it's impossible to fight hand to hand. He can't feel pain. I have to find another was to kill him. Suddenly, Jeff kneed me at the chin, making my vision got black for a bit. I was brought back to the ground again. It was payback for when I did it last time. As I laid on the ground, I smiled. I wanted to get up and keep fighting. My heart said yes, but my body told me no. The room, I noticed, had no window or exit. If I stayed here longer, I would suffocate. This bastard is probably taking up a lot of oxygen to be able to keep up with his body's strength. I finally got up, lifting my bruised body. I was starting to feel uneasy. Jeff was still holding up his fort. How can I take him?

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