Chapter 23(FINALE): The Fall

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We suddenly got hectic. Everyone started working on the Plan. I was wondering where Kaitlin, Ethan and Elaine had gone and what they got. I knew it was nearing the time to fight for what we think is right. Alvah will be fighting for what he thinks is right too. It seems that maybe, none of us is right. Maybe this could end horribly. I looked at the others. They sure did not seem so.
"Hey Ian?" Kaitlin called me. "We are going over the plan. Listen up." I came over to the table. Laid out was a blue print of Alvah's.
"How did you get your hands on this blue print?" I asked.
"Well it wasn't easy, but it took a little convincing." Kaitlin smiled.
"A little convincing? You hardly said a word." Ethan told her. "You beat them until they gave in and then you force them out the country, with their hands tied and no cellular technology."
"Okay, maybe it was a little out of hand." Kaitlin gave in. I laughed. The building was huge. I examined how many rooms there were and where everything was.
"So what's the plan anyway?"
"Well actually Ian, you should probably stay here until it's over."
"What!? No Grant!"
"Ian, it's for the best." Grant continued. "For all we know, he doesn't need you anymore. You're the one standing in the way and the one he is afraid of now. He wants you dead."
"But he has my father. That's more than a good of enough reason to go."
"We can't risk your death Ian."
"Don't patronize me. I have to go. He has my father."
"And he is dead! You can't bring him back Ian!" Grant yelled. I stood there in silence. Grant was being unfair.
"Grant, you were the one that helped find my way. Let me help you."
"No Grant, you don't get to choose. I've been left in the dark only to remember why I've come out. If there is one thing I can't do, it's not being with you when the fights over. I'm coming with you all. Besides, I don't remember you having sorcerous powers."
"Fine Ian." Grant agreed reluctantly. "I can't say I agree to this, but you're right." I smiled. This is my chance to repay them for what they've done for me.
"Don't worry Grant, I won't let anything happen to Ian." Almery reassured him. Grant looked at him otherwise.

Grant started to explain the plan. I was getting anxious about what would happen.
"Elaine and I are the attackers and back up. Almery you are the decoy."
"You'll be wearing these." Grant showed him what looked like electronically transmitting bugs. "They will be implanted into your skin are detect-less. It is one of my incredible gadgets." Grant bragged. "Everyone else will be wearing these Bluetooth." He gave one to each of us. I haven't seen this in years. "They will all be connected to this burner phone. It is untraceable. Even if they were to pin point it, it'd pin point them to millions of locations." We all wore the Bluetooth. After it connected, it was ready to talk in to.
"Ethan, you'll be our watcher. You'll go in when it all is quiet. If anything seems wrong, you let us know." Ethan nodded his head.
"Kaitlin, you're our anchor." Kaitlin grimaced. "You got the armored vehicle right?"
"I wouldn't forget it."
"Great. You'll be driving Elaine, Ian and I. Your job is to make it through the back gate as loud as possible. We need to draw all attention to that side. It is the central point of the building and without a doubt be guarded heavily."
"Yes sir."
"There is no room for mistake. This mission risks all our lives. If we fail, we've failed Efthalia. And, in case we all don't get out together, meet back at the dock where we first met."
"Where is that?" I asked.
"You've been there too Ian. The one your father always used to take you." I remember the dock. It was the one surrounded by ocean and sand. There were hundreds of boats.
"Let's get ready and loaded."
"I want first hands on Alvah." Kaitlin called.
"Let's worry about the infiltration first." Ethan reminded her. I was feeling a little apprehensive about all this. It occurred to me that Grant didn't say what I was going to do. I'd be riding with them, so I can ask then. It was a qualm situation we all were in. We started packing the car. It was a huge black Jeep van. It was a sleek black and was armored. Everyone was dressed in their black suits and armed except Almery. He is risking his life. He had on him only a small dagger.
"Almery it's time for you to go."
"Okay Grant."
"Make sure to give us the signal when you are ready for us." Grant reminded him.
"I'll be fine." Almery got into a random vehicle and drove away.
"Alright, once Almery gives us the signal, then it's our turn to go in." Grant looked at everyone. "It'll all be over soon I hope." I was hoping the same thing. I kept having this strange feeling in my gut. It was probably just nothing.

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