Chapter 18: What Belongs to Us

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We were all smiling and laughing. But all seemed quiet and a little too quiet for us. I looked around, but it seemed normal. Grant's expression changed.

"Did you hear that?" Grant asked. We all looked at each other. I didn't hear a thing.
"What'd you hear Grant?" Elaine asked. Grant had the senses of a cat, so for him to hear something, I wouldn't doubt his ears.
"The chambering of guns." He answered. Chambering of guns? My heart almost skipped a beat. He said, "guns" with a plural. How many of them were there. "Everyone, get down!" Grant yelled. As we all jumped for cover behind the couches, bullets from every direction of the house came flying through the walls. Some ricocheted off the walls and others just did do. I was trying to make my barrier, but it was no use. I think I might have exhausted its use for today. I had been using it to defend too much.
"Ian, what's wrong?" Kaitlin asked. She was gesturing me to make the force field. I shook my head.
"I can't. I don't know what's wrong." I told her. She rolled her eyes like I assumed she would. She crawled, making sure her body didn't lift off from the ground, and went near the kitchen. I wondered what she was doing. Elaine and the others must have known what she was going to do because they were taking more cover. The bullets didn't stop flying.
"Ian, you might want to take more cover." Ethan pushed me near the couch. I looked over at what Kaitlin was doing.
"Found it." She grimaced. It looked like a block with a gray coloring to it. I read the label around it and it said,"C4 WARNING." I wasn't sure, now,mid I was afraid of the bullets or Kaitlin holding the block of C4.
"Don't ruin my house." Grant joked.
"Don't count on it." Kaitlin played along. No matter what she would do, the house would be destroyed after she sets off the C4. She started taking bottles of alcohol from the cabinets. It was dangerous enough that she had gotten up to get them with bullets all over. She opened their tops and took some paper towel. She poured most of the liquid onto the floor and left half. Then she took a ball of paper towel and rapped it in the alcohol and covered the bottles with them. She had five bottles of alcohol. I wondered what she was doing. The spilled alcohol was quickly spreading around the house. She could've spilled that somewhere else. She found a lighter and lit the tops of the bottles with the towels in them. I see it now. They would be used as grenades. I noticed she had put a piece of C4 in each alcohol bottle. She took the bottles and handed them to us. She didn't hand one to me or Almery.
"Ready?" Kaitlin nodded. Elaine and Ethan smiled. Kaitlin had two bottles and the fire was growing. She threw them at the windows. Ethan, Elaine and Grant did the same in opposite directions. We got down and the bottles exploded as they touched the ground. The C4 went off with it, creating a huge explosion. The debris flew at us. The bullets stopped, but it would only be for a short time.
"Let's go." Kaitlin ordered. She was amazing. It be able to think on the spot. We got up and followed her to the back of the house.

We were nearing the backyard and we could hear the guns chambering again for another round. Almery and Kaitlin took the front and Elaine and Grant took behind me. Ethan and I were in the middle. We out the back door and we had noticed. We were ambushed. The government that had come to us weren't real officials. About thirty men stood around the backyard, almost expecting us, with their automatic guns ready to fire. There was a helicopter above us and five black sedans vehicles ready for an escape. There was really no way out of this one.
"Drop your weapons." A voice from the helicopter called out. The voice was not familiar. We did as we were told. We were up against an army, no way could we be ignorant now. It was still no use, I couldn't make the force field.
"Good. Now then," The helicopter descended and a familiar face stepped out. "Let's play again." Jeff smiled. His face gave shivers down my spine. I could feel the anger building up inside me.

I can never get used to his face and the way it looks. His voice, it sounded much different from my dream, well many things looked different.
"I'm glad we are being obedient today." He joked. None of us looked happy. We had about thirty guns facing us and in a very uncomfortable position. Grant, of all of us, looked the angriest. He didn't drop his weapon. Instead, he held u at Jeff as soon Jeff said that.
"I could kill you now." Grant grimaced. One of Jeff's eyebrow was arched.
"And sacrifice everyone here?" He walked closer.
"As long as you die." Grant chambered a bullet. I was starting to get butterflies. If he fires that bullet, the men would start firing at us and we'd all die. Grant is smart enough not to do it, I know.
"You're bluffing." Jeff stopped moving.
"Don't, Grant." Kaitlin took the gun from him. "Besides, you don't have a hundred percent kill rate like I do." She pointed the gun at Jeff's heart. I noticed Jeff flinched slightly. His eyes grew narrow. He was actually afraid of Kaitlin. She really does have a hundred percent kill rate.
"You wouldn't." Jeff looked at me and smiled. "Especially when the sorcerer is in the range of fire." He continued walking, relieved.
"You're right Jeff." Kaitlin pointed the gun in a different direction. "But who says I won't do this." Kaitlin shot the driver of the helicopter; dead he became, through the window too. Everyone's automatic firearm chambered. I tried making my force field, but nothing was working. I thought we were going to die, but Jeff held his hand up signaling them not to fire.
"You nearly gave me a scare Kaitlin, but I thought we were all on the same page here." Jeff continued. "Don't you want to defeat the government. Take them down. Have revenge for what they did to your family, Kaitlin, Elaine? From where I stand, it seems you will need help." He smiled, but it wasn't trustworthy.
"Shut up!" Kaitlin faced the gun to Jeff. "You don't know anything about my family!" What was going on? Was I about to find out why Kaitlin and Elaine is going against the government? That's right, she never mentioned the reason. I am starting to notice that everyone has their own secrets and reasons. I wonder what mine is?
"Oh, I'm sure I know more than you think." He continued to walk. "See I know exactly what happened. I have all the documents of every civilian, important anyway, and their backgrounds. The way they slaughtered your father, killed every existing Rivera," That was probably Kaitlin's family name, last name. "And almost killed your mother if you hadn't single handedly kill them all with your bare hands and I must say I was impressed on that fact. Especially since they were armored. So like I said, are we all-."
"Yeah right." Elaine walked right up to Jeff where he stopped and she met. They were face to face now. "If you think we will ever join forces," She smirked. "Well, let's just say, your eyes won't be the only thing missing." She whispered. Elaine was angry, I could tell. Kaitlin had put the gun down. She was crying. So that's it. Her family was slaughtered, each one of them. I wonder why?
"Pretty intriguing." Jeff turned around. "Well then for the sake of Irene." I stopped. I never heard that name in awhile. My vision turned black and lights flashed. I didn't know where I was, but I saw words. They said, "Save" and "You Must". Then everything went back to normal. No one noticed. No one was even moving. It as almost as if, no, they were frozen. Time itself stopped. A thought of killing Jeff crossed my mind, but I restrained myself. I did not know what was going on.

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