Chapter 12(Part 2): They're Here

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He spread out his arms for me to hug him. He said it was all a test, but mother and father are dead. It wasn't a game, but it also wasn't reality, was it?
"Who are you?" I asked him. "Your relationship with my dad, that is."
"You know who I am." He persisted. I can only remember that dream vaguely. I can't remember who was there, but Grant was definitely one of them.
"I don't want to know your name. I want to know your credentials, who you are and your relationship with my father!?" I was starting to lose it. This was all a prank. He was here to make me grieve. He's joking around with me. There is no sorcerer. This guy...?
"Ian?" He held his hands up. "You have to understand. Stop getting ahead of yourself." He told me. "I know your father's death was tough and with your mother's.."
"Shut up!" I yelled at him. I got closer, almost filling my heart with miserable emotions. "You don't know anything about my father."
"Ian, you have to remember that dream. I told you something, you need to remember." He continued.
"If you don't leave me alone, your surely to meet my father." I grimaced.
"Ian!" He threw me down to the ground. "Ian!?" I struggled from his grasp. "You have to understand, stop your obstinate behavior. Listen to me."
"Get off!" I tried to throw him over, but he was tough.
"Listen, your father... I'm sure he told you something as he final note. You have to remember, you have to remember who I am."
"Shut up!"
"Fine." He knocked me out unconscious, but I can still hear his voice. "With your father gone, they will come after you. With no one to protect you, they'll kill you. Come to your senses Ian." He turned around and almost disappeared. If it wasn't for my blurred vision and hypnotic state that I am in, I would think Grant turned into a cat. Those sharp blue eyes almost looked familiar. What did father say? I can't remember. My vision was turning black. I don't know who you are Grant, but when I do, I'm sure it won't be pretty. Someone is after me? No he said 'they.' I'm sure it's more than one. Who? Everything went dark and I could no longer know what is going on.
I awoke. It was just a dream, I thought. I was laying on the grass. How long was I here? I checked my watch and I was just ten minutes out from class. It felt longer. I heard a cat's meow. It was the same cat. I just ignored it, but it seemed fond of me. I got up from the dewed grass and wiped the wet off me. I stepped back into class and the birds watched. Their pitiful eyes, it made me sick. Though they felt pity for me, one would only dream. Ethan and Kaitlin watched me sit. Mr. Gimmick was smiling. He also watched as I sat down.
"Feeling better Mr. Kiln?" He asked.
"Shut up. If I had a bullet for every time you asked me that, I'd kill you." I warned. His smile was swept right off his human head. Soon the bell rang. I took the advantage of everyone's pity and ignorance to not answer or even do anything in class. I respited from all work for the last two weeks. Everyone got up to exit the classroom. Not of the bunch. They stayed behind.
"What are you two doing behind? Staying to do some studying?" Mr. Gimmick asked Ethan and Kaitlin.
"Yeah, we'll be leaving in a few, but if it is alright with you, can we stay behind a bit?" Ethan's kind voice asked. His mind was so placid, almost like Grant's, if it's what I remember.
"Sure, no problem." Mr. Gimmick took his bags and left. Kaitlin looked at Ethan and gave him the 'good job' sign. I knew they weren't going to study. They never do. They waited for Mr. Gimmick to be completely gone. It was silent. I could her the soft whistle of the spring wind. The clouds dimming the entire room, emulating the appearance of my home. After a few seconds, they turned to me. There curious eyes grew with excitement. They wanted answers to their growing impatience. They came over to my table.
"Ian, what's wrong?" Ethan asked me. I sighed and turned away.
"Are you stupid Ethan? We obviously know he isn't doing okay. Let's get down to the point. Who did you see?" Kaitlin's narrow eyes grew narrower.
"Who did I see?" I repeated. "No one." I lied.
"You're lying. Your nose scrunched slightly. You can trust us remember?" She reminded me. Grant's words came back to me, "They'll be after you." Was it them. I stared at the two. They seemed harmless, not to do anything worth regretting me. Or is it a misconception.
"I don't know that for sure." I looked back at the window. "Now, I can't trust anyone." I needed answers. I want to know who killed my dad, I want to remember my dreams, I want to figure out who Grant is. All these damned questions. If only humans were not so curious.
"Can't trust anyone?" Ethan, his usually calm nature slowly becoming ruptured. "What does that mean? We're your friends." It was funny, I hardly knew these two and they saw me as friends. It was more than annoying, it was unrequited.
"More importantly, what did he say?" Kaitlin was different on the other hand. Not placid, her mind always thinking outside the box. She reminded me about someone. I couldn't remember. "You obviously met someone. I now the kind of person you are. You never do things without reason. You need reasons to give you the courage to continue."
"Detailed." I mused. "It isn't any of your concerns. You are starting to tick me off. Leave my sight or I will kill you both." I got up and continued out the door.
"Kill us?" Ethan was trying to understand who I was now. "He isn't the Ian we know. He has become heartless. He'll follow his path." I didn't know who Ethan was referring to, it wasn't me. Just why, why did you take them from me?

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