Chapter 11(Part 1 Finale): The Sorecerer

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It was two weeks since dad died. The alarm went off. I slammed it as hard as I could, but just as before, it didn't break. Deja vu. It was 5:30. I hope this time, I actually go to school. I got up, took a warm shower and got dressed. I looked into the mirror. My eyes were normal. I had stopped crying. I was angry. Not depressed and not mad. I was also not depressed. I hated everyone as of now. I wanted to kill everyone around me. I wanted to kill myself too, but I couldn't. I was held back by my father's words. I punched the mirror. It shattered to a hundred pieces. The seven years. I grimaced. I could see the half smile through the shattered mirror. I don't think I would be able to be happy anymore, peaceful. I was traumatized by the death of both my parents. My head started to hurt. I looked back at the mirror and saw my mother standing behind me. I turned around and no one was there.
"Get a grip Ian." I told myself. I got out of the bathroom and took my bag. I was out the door in a flash. I could smell spring in the air. The trees were just blooming. As carbon dioxide left my body and oxygen filled the air, I could feel myself free. I wanted to stay here. But I wasn't safe. I will never be safe from this dreadful world. As long as there are humans, life will never be the same. As long as their heads are as thick as their necks. I was finally at school and it was Mr. Gimmicks' class. He started the attendance and I just ignored. Everyone was staring at me, grieving for me. They thought me pitiful. Their gazing eyes were driving me crazy. Ethan and Kaitlin didn't give me a glance. They knew I was upset and decided I'd be better off without the comfort. I looked away from the dumb kids. I stared out the window. The sun was breaking through the clouds. Dust floated around the window. I heard a cat's meow. It was that same black cat with white fur underneath. Its blue eyes looked at me. They looked so familiar. Those eyes. Why were they familiar?
"Ian?" Mr. Gimmick called me softly. He was being so kind. It was pitiful.
"Yes?" I sighed.
"Need a little time by yourself?" He asked. He gestured me to the door.
"No?" I said. The cat meowed again. I looked at it. "Actually, excuse me." I got up and left the room. Everyone stared with pity, except Ethan and Kaitlin. They stared with questions. I got out of the classroom. I need a little more than a little more than time. I got out the nearest exit. The grass was just growing back.
"Meow." I called. I know the cat was around here somewhere. "Meow. Meow." It was nowhere. I was in the open field. It was nice here. Quiet and away from all the noise. Then someone started to get close.
"It's been sometime, Ian." A familiar voice said.
"Who..?" That voice why was it so familiar. Was it... "Grant?"
"Missed me?" He laughed. I turned around. What in the world was he doing here? I thought it was all a dream? Am I dreaming now? And was he the cat?
"Don't get too freaked out." He smiled. "It was all a test Ian." He told me.
"A test?" I asked. "So my father..?'
"No, your father and mother are dead." He looked away. "But that dream, it was no ordinary dream. You could've died. That's why.."
"Grant. What is the meaning of this!? What is going on!?" I yelled.
"Ian, calm down." He opened his arms for a hug. "Don't be afraid anymore." I couldn't understand what was going on. A test? For what? "Ian, you are... The Sorcerer." He said discretely.

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