Chapter 6: Breaking and Entering

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He walked all over the house. He was looking for something. The winter sun slipped into the cracks of the cabin. It lit the house naturally, giving it a homey feel to it. He threw all his clothes around. He was angry. I didn't know why. I was never here in my life. Everything seemed unusual. I couldn't see the man, but he had a very light brown hair that glimmered light blonde streaks in the sunlight. His back was to me. His long coat nearly covered him. He was very tall, about 5'11 or 6'0. He picked up a ratchet, and tried turning the drive stuck into a four sealed metal case-cabinet. When it couldn't open, he tossed it and it flew right to me. I tried to dodge it, but was too late. It went right through me. I was not harmed at all. I could've sworn it hit me. Was I invisible? But soon everything started to turn black. His image was disappearing. He was suddenly starting to turn. I need to see him, I wanted to see who he was. I started falling, falling into an abyss of darkness. I saw the light above me. I reached my hand and the man did the same. But we were too far apart from each other. I couldn't see him, but his arm reaching out to me. The light vanished and I was alone. It was an unimaginable feeling. Everything around me was pitch black. I couldn't remember where I was, who I was, what I was doing. Then I saw something. It was another man. He took me by the hands. His light blue eyes shining in the dark. It lit up the entire room. it was... Grant! I remember now. I took his arm and he helped me out. Light came back to me and the room lit up. The darkness was gone.

I suddenly woke up. I was scared for some reason. I couldn't remember my dream. I felt around and the it was cozy. I was on a bed. Right, it was a dream that I had. I quickly got up. I wasn't in my usual clothes. I was in black jeans and had on a white T-shirt. There was a long black jacket on the counter beside me. The room was very chilly. I looked around and I was no where close to Grant's room. I quickly got up. My heart beat slowly slowed down. My entire body was aching. I walked around and found a stairway. I continued down and heard voices.
"...Don't... if he.... then... just don't, got it?" It was Grant's voice. He was talking to someone. Was it Elaine? I thought we still had to get her and rescue her.
"But... then... why?" She protested about something. I came running down.
"What's going on?" I asked. They just looked at me casually. They look like they were hiding anything.
"You're awake?" Elaine said happily. She was more amiable than I remember.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. She gave me a tight hug. Grant just smiled. Grant? I had a flash of something. Someone grabbed my hand. My head was throbbing, and I sat down on the comfy couch.
"What's wrong, Ian?" He gave me water. I accepted his gratitude. I couldn't remember. It was probably the dream.
"Nothing." I drank the water. "How is Elaine here I thought we had to save her?" I heard thunder and remembered that we are still in my district. They just smiled.
"You helped save me. You honestly don't remember?" She asked. What does she mean? I don't remember anything at all.
"The last thing I remember was getting into Grants car and he activated the car and the coordinates that lead to you. That's all I remember."
"Hmm? Well then there isn't much you can do now is it?" Grant said. What was he talking about.
"Let's get going Grant. You stay here, okay Ean?" She pronounced my name wrong.
"It's Ian, spelt I-A-N." I told her.
"Oh! No wonder I was pronouncing your name right and wrong sometimes I didn't know which one it was." Grant laughed. "I thought it was spelled E-A-N? Oh well, let's go Elaine." They walked out.
"Hey!" I called for them. My body was aching so much that I couldn't get up to catch up to them. What's going on? "Grant! I thought you wanted me to help you and follow you? Grant!" I yelled. He was too far away. The door shut behind them. This was weird, they would never leave me behind. Something isn't right. I dragged myself across the floor. I reached for the door, but it was shut from the inside. Then it hit me. That drink Grant gave me, I don't think it was fresh water, he drugged me. My body started to constrict tightly. I screamed in pain. It hit me again. The last time I was stuck inside a room from the inside, a fire began. I looked around for smoke, but there wasn't any. Elaine's amiable ways, why didn't I see it before? Now I'm going to die. 'Tick' I heard something. 'Tick'. It went again. It seemed to be coming from underneath the couch. I thought it was the clock at first, but now that I'm hearing it, it doesn't sound like a clock. I looked at my left hand. I was wearing a silver plate watch. I never had this on before. It had a digital time, and read 11:20:02. I dragged myself across the floor to the couch. I looked at my watch again. This time it read 10:45:23. This was no watch. It was a ticking bomb. I finally realized. The entire room was ticking. The sounds came in every direction. I was surrounded by bombs. and this watch was a ticking reminder. But when, how? 10:30:67. 10 minutes left. Shit, what do I do now?

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