Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Karlie left Paris as soon as she could. She was eager to come home to see Taylor, but also worried about the older girl because she has not heard from her for four whole days. They have never gone that long without talking to each other since meeting. Karlie wants to believe she’s overreacting, but part of her really couldn’t help but to genuinely be worried.

Even after being home for a few days, she still has not heard from Taylor and she’s tired of just pacing back and forth and not doing anything. She’s even gone as far as to calling up Taylor’s friends in LA that she has numbers of to ask if they’ve seen Taylor anywhere. Selena even said Taylor isn’t in LA, but Taylor also hasn’t been picking up her phone calls. Selena also called up Mama Swift for Karlie and she said Taylor isn’t in Nashville. Karlie was worried sick now and just decided to physically go look for Taylor.


Karlie finally heads to Taylor’s Rhode Island home, being that Taylor wasn’t at the other two homes. At this point, whether she looks like a stalker or not, she doesn’t even care anymore. She’s just glad Taylor has told her about her many homes so she knows where to look right now.

Just to her luck, about a minute after she rang the bell, the person she’s been dying to see for the past two weeks is right before her. She notices Taylor’s new hairdo, which she finds extremely cute but also pretty sexy, but she didn’t even get a chance to voice it yet.

“Oh my god, you’re o-“

Karlie’s first instinct when she saw Taylor was to hug her as tight as she could, just hold her in her arms to make sure it’s her and not her mind imagining her, and that she’s well in her arms. But Taylor held her arms up and pushed Karlie away to be at arm’s length.

First jab to Karlie’s heart

“Is everything okay…?” Karlie asked slowly.

Karlie was greeted by silence and a deadly glare for a good minute before Taylor marched back into her house and towards her living room, but leaving the door open indicating she’s silently allowing Karlie entrance.

Karlie walks in albeit very cautiously. She’s afraid to continue talking seeing how coldly Taylor is acting towards her right now. This ringing silence is killing Karlie and she planned so much to say to Taylor so she’s not going to fly the way from New York to Rhode Island just to forever hold her peace.

“Taylor, I was worried sic-“

Once again, Taylor cut her off. “Do you remember what it means for me to be at which ever house of mine?”

“Of course. You come to your Nashville house when you need to level-headed or you’re homesick, LA when you need to work and since that’s like every other day you just stay there for the most part since it’s easier, and Rhode Island when you want to be at peace and alone…” Karlie trailed off once she realizes why Taylor is here.

“Why couldn’t you just at least give me a heads up? No texts. No calls. Not even an email. I’m sorry if asking for your whereabouts is overstepping, but please at least tell me you just want to be away. We could always talk about it if you want to.”

“Why do you care so much?”

“What? What do you mean why do I care so much? I was afraid something had happened to you! You basically fell off the face of the Earth for over a week!”

“Don’t you have other aspects to tend to in your life?” Taylor replied, sharply.

Karlie paused for a moment, letting the harsh tone of Taylor set in before she says anything that’ll make it worse.

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