Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Taylor walked away from Karlie’s apartment before the tall model could even fully register that she was there. Cara eyes followed her before she could open her mouth to speak as she was still in shock.

“Shit, shit, shit,” Karlie muttered to herself as she bolted up after Taylor.

Cara repeated her eye trailing action before diverting her attention to Jourdan, “What the fuck just happened?”


“Taylor! Taylor! Please hear me out.” Karlie pleaded as she caught up to Taylor before the singer reached the elevator.

“Did it really only take you two weeks to move on?! Back to your ex at that! I came here wanting to apologize for falsely accusing you of kissing that girl at the party, but here I am seeing you kiss another girl.” Taylor shouted her face flushed from anger.

“First of all, I didn’t move on. Second, what made you change your mind about the pictures? And third, I don’t think we should be having this conversation out here. Please, come back and we can sort this out and Jourdan can even tell you that she kissed me; I pushed her away.”

“What if she’s lying for you?”

“What reason does she have to? She left me because I cheated so she wouldn’t help me cheat. And I can’t do that anymore, especially not to you – you deserve better than that.”

Taylor’s first instinct was to shout, “You’re just saying that,” but she doesn’t want to get into another fight. She wants to hear the younger girl out because she’s made the mistake of not letting her the first time.  

Instead, Taylor opted to just walk back to Karlie’s apartment and the younger girl trailed behind her.

They walked in with Jourdan sitting on the couch avoiding Cara’s disappointed gaze. Cara was towering over the other Brit as she opted to stay standing.

Taylor made her way to the kitchen (connected to Karlie’s living room) to sit on one of the stools next to the island. Karlie opted to stand next to Cara, even though she wants to sit next to Taylor.

The silence was awkward and there was tension. Cara and Karlie would send each other side-glances every few seconds, but neither of them has spoken up. Karlie doesn’t know whether to clear everything up with Taylor first or if she should ask Jourdan why she kissed her.

“Taylor, I didn’t kiss Toni at the party in Paris,” Karlie wanted to finally clear her name.

“I know,” Taylor replied, short.

“Um,” Karlie stuttered for a moment, “but can I ask how you found out? I didn’t do anything, but it just doesn’t make sense.”

“Technically, I got the pictures from Cara’s phone.”

Jourdan tensed up as Cara continued to eyeball her.

“What?! Cara… You did that? Why would you? I don’t get it. You knew how much she meant to me.” If Karlie wasn’t usually such a controlled person, she’s pretty sure she would’ve jumped on Cara by now. And she doesn’t want to believe that her best friend would singlehandedly ruin something so great for her.

Cara looked up at her, gently, “No! Karls, believe me, I had no idea it even happened. I swear to you, I would never do that to you.”

“Then who got a hold of your phone? Who would know to do that? Who would want to do that?” Karlie questioned to no one in particular. She just wanted to voice her confusion.

“That’s what I’d like to know,” Cara said as she continued to eyeball Jourdan.

“This makes no sense! Who would do this? There’s no plausible reason.” Karlie mumbled mainly to herself. She believes Cara completely, but who else would have her phone?

“But you still kissed her, Karlie.” Taylor said, eyeing Jourdan from behind indicating whom she’s speaking of.

“I didn’t,”

“But you’ve been caught on more than one occasion. I can’t continue to find you kissing woman to woman time after time.”

Karlie looked at Jourdan wondering why she wouldn’t say anything. Jourdan knows full well that she initiated the kiss. Why is she letting Taylor continue these assumptions? She decides to just fend herself and made her way towards Taylor.

“Beside these two times that caught even me out of surprise, when have I ever done something to make you doubt me since we’ve met? I want to know. I tried so hard after I realized that I didn’t want to lose you to not fuck up, but it seems like that’s when everything seems to be falling apart.”

Taylor kept mummed so Karlie continued.

“Ever since we met, I have not been involved with any other women at all. I kept saying we were just friends so I could be involved with other women guilt free, but I never wanted to. I’d look at them and it’s like I’m mindlessly staring because in my mind, all I see was you and it scared the hell out of me. I didn’t understand it at first so I just thought to push you away, but I couldn’t – I didn’t really want to. I genuinely got angry with myself for letting myself be so consumed by you, but then I realized I’ve never been happier.” Karlie couldn’t help the tears that streamed down her face. She has never displayed her emotions so raw in front of anyone. It’s new to her so there are things she still can’t bring herself to bring out yet, but it’s still from her heart.

Taylor tugged at Karlie’s wrist since Karlie was less than arm’s length away from her to bring her closer. Taylor sported the same teary face as Karlie, and also didn’t even bother to wipe her tears off.

“I believe you, and I felt the same way. I fell in love with you…Karlie, and I’m scared out of my mind to have fallen in love with you. I can’t allow myself to fall deeper towards someone I’m too scared to be in a relationship with and to be in love with. I know people say never judge someone for what they do in the past, but what they’re doing now to improve themselves, but the past usually reflects the future. Those pictures might have been an accident, but seeing you and Jourdan kissing earlier ticked something in me. You’re an atomic bomb; you’re unpredictable. At any given time, you can grow tired of me and you won’t hesitate to walk away, and I don’t want to bare all that pain and resentment towards you.”

Karlie shook her head as tears continued to fall from her face, “You don’t believe that. Please, don’t believe that. I won’t do that.”

“I wish I didn’t…” Taylor said with the most broken smile Karlie has ever seen on her face. It doesn’t belong on her beautiful face, and she hates that she’s the reason why it’s there.

Taylor tiptoed up a bit to give Karlie one last peck on the cheek before making her exit. Cara reached out and tried to stop her, but Taylor begged her to move. Cara respected her wishes and moved and made her way towards the crying model.

Karlie was practically shaking now as she took a seat onto the stool with her face in her hands. Cara came up behind the taller model and rubbed circles in her back.

“We’re gonna fix this, Karls. I promise you.”

 A/N: Updated as promised! I think this fic might end at chapter 13 (TayTay’s number) or chapter 15. Will Kaylor be endgame...? 

Happy (I guess not really) reading! Thank you for the comments! :D And MWAH!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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