Chapter 5C

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Chapter 5C

The two have gotten to Big Sur around noon and wasted no time to begin their hike.

Karlie told her what photoshoots she’s been doing for the past two weeks and Taylor told her what she’s been up to in the past two weeks. Then, Taylor proceeded to tell Karlie what she did for her birthday yesterday and how a couple of her friends got a peek at Karlie’s gift.

Karlie quickly slammed her hand over her agape mouth, “No way,” came the muffle noises under her hand.

Taylor laughed and nodded.

“That is so embarrassing! I was really hoping only you and I would ever see it and you’d like push it aside or something after you saw it.”

Taylor’s laughter began to subside as she gave Karlie a lingering peck on the lips, “It was cute/sexy. Even they thought so.” She said after pulling away.

Karlie smiled at the kiss. The little gestures with Taylor recently have been leaving a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach and she still can’t exactly place her finger on it. She doesn’t mind though, she’s just enjoying it now.

“Yeah? May I know who “they” are?”

“Just a few: Jamie, Emma, Selena, Demi, Ella, Ed, and I think that’s it.”

“Babe, what the hell is you definition of ‘a few’?”

Taylor couldn’t help the smile plastered on her face at Karlie calling her ‘babe’. She knows it was said nonchalantly and Karlie has a tendency for pet names, but this is the first time she’s ever called her ‘babe’ and she’s trying so hard not to swoon.

Karlie couldn’t help her smile at her sight of the wide smile on Taylor’s face, “What’s so funny?”

Taylor shook her head and grad Karlie’s hand into her own, “Nothing and for someone with quite a libido, you’re walking awfully slow.” Taylor teased.

Karlie scoffed as she took off, pulling Taylor along with her, “Keep up, babe!”


The two have been strolling around and taking endless pictures for four hours before they stopped to grab lunch and were on their way to get some ice cream.

They both got some and made their way to the beach. Thank goodness, not many people are touring Big Sur in December. It’s practically empty which they love.

“What flavor did you get?” Karlie asked.


“That’s so boring.”

“That’s their signature flavor! Don’t hate the basics, baby. If it’s done right, it’s phenomenal.”

“Really? Can I try some?”

“No, because you just insulted the glory that vanilla can be.”

“Then I guess it’s not that great if you don’t want me to try it and realize it is boring.”

Before Taylor could respond, Karlie stuck her spoon into Taylor’s vanilla ice cream but she didn’t eat it like Taylor was expecting. She smeared it onto Taylor’s lips and dived in for an open mouth kiss. Karlie ran her tongue slowly over Taylor’s vanilla glistening plump bottom lip before licking her own lips in a way that leaves Taylor absolutely speechless.

“Mmm, you’re right; vanilla is not so boring after all.”


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