Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was a quarter past 3PM when Karlie and Taylor finally made their way into Karlie’s kitchen and to actually get food this time. Karlie, dressed in a grey v-neck with white PINK short shorts. Taylor opted to just wear her underwear and a white v-neck that she borrowed from Karlie. Karlie swears she’s trying to test her.

“Do you have doughnuts?” Taylor asked, nonchalantly.


“Do you have anything sweet? I’m craving something sweet.”

“I can do you one better.” Karlie said, followed by a quick pause, “I’m gonna grant your wish and bake cookies with you.”

“Ooh, this should be fun!” Taylor said cheerfully with a clap of her hands.

“You’re so adorable.” Karlie nonchalantly complimented Taylor. It’s just what she does. If it pops into her head, 90% of the time, it will also exit her mouth.

Taylor blushed; a compliment’s a compliment. Who wouldn’t be flattered? Especially since it’s coming from someone you’re attracted to.

“Okay, so since you don’t know where things are in my house, I’ll get the ingredients and then we can start to bake!”

Karlie began to pull out and measure the ingredients from the cabinets to place them on the island in her kitchen.

“So what do you usually do if you’re not scheduled for a show or a photo shoot?” Taylor decided to do some small talk.

“I’m an editor at Vogue as well.”

“Ooh, impressive.  Shouldn’t you be there then?”

“I honestly kind of just come in whenever or I work from home. They don’t care as long as I turn in my things on time and they always keep me updated. What do you do in your free time?”

“Well, I write songs, go out with friends, shop, and play with my cat.” Taylor put both of her hands over her mouth, “Oh my God, you probably just thought I was so lame for that.”

Karlie laughed, “Not at all,” She continued laughing, “I think it’s pretty cute, actually. I love animals especially the fluffy ones. But, I am more of a dog person. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”

“Oh no! I love dogs too. I just prefer cats.”

“That’s great because I actually have a dog. He’s just with my parents right now because whenever I have a show coming up, I don’t want to leave him home alone for a long period of time. I was going to pick him up after my coffee run, but a change in plans obviously occurred.” Karlie looked up from measuring the ingredients to give Taylor a teasing smile before continuing her measuring.

Taylor couldn’t help but to think of how freaking cute Karlie is.

“So we have gluten free oats, almond flour, sliced almonds, olive oil, agave, and thank goodness, just enough dark chocolate chips. I made pancakes for Cara the other day and was worried I’d run out. She eats a lot for such a little person.”

“Ohh, does she always stay here when she comes to New York?” Taylor questioned.

“Yeah, and I usually stay at her place when I go to London. She’s one of my closest friends.”

“That’s cute…” Taylor said, almost relieved.

Karlie just went on, oblivious to Taylor’s fluctuating tones, “Come help!”

Taylor stood up from the high chairs and made her way to the other side of the island to assist Karlie.

“Okay, first we’re going to start toasting the almonds. They give a crunch to the cookies.”

Taylor then proceeds to put the almonds into the pan and distributed them evenly in the pan.

“Okay, now you can feel free to dump the rest into the mixing bowl.”

“That’s it?”

Karlie chuckled, “Basically, since I already measured them out, you can just dump it in.”

“Aww, are you not going to share this recipe with me?”

“No need, whenever you want ‘em, ring me and I’m there.”

Taylor smiled and gave Karlie a chaste kiss on the lips, “You’re so sweet.”

For some reason, that chaste kiss caused Karlie to shudder a bit. It felt like such a couple-y thing to do. But she didn’t want to push Taylor away because that’d be rude. Also, she didn’t know if she shuddered because she liked it or because it scared her. One thing for sure, it definitely threw her off. She decided to just shrug it off and enjoy the extra affection from Taylor.

“Why thank you. Do you want to have a taste of the mix?” Karlie asked as she picked up some of the cookie mix with her hand and put it before Taylor’s mouth.

“Ooh, I’d love to.” Taylor said before consuming the cookie mix off Karlie’s fingers, making sure to suck on them a bit.

Karlie looked at her with her mouth agape. She can feel a slightly dampness pooling between her legs. Taylor was turning her on so much right now.

Karlie couldn’t hold it in anymore. She pulled Taylor in by her waist and crashed their lips against one another (because make outs that lead to sex are completely fine, while chaste kisses are not). Since Taylor was rather startled by Karlie’s actions, she gasped allowing Karlie to easily slip her tongue between Taylor’s lips – tasting the cookie mix in the process. Taylor reciprocated by wrapping her arms around Karlie’s head to deepen their kiss. Her tongue colliding against Karlie’s, but easily letting her take control. Karlie then placed her hands on the back of Taylor’s bare thigh to nudge her up onto the island.

Taylor pulled back a bit to catch her breath and to say, “Wait, the cookies.”

“Fuck the cookies.” Karlie said, pressing fervent, open-mouth kisses along Taylor’s jawline.

“Ah,” Taylor moans softly as she wraps her legs around Karlie’s waist to deepen the contact between her center and Karlie’s front.

Karlie leaned back a bit to tug off Taylor’s shirt, leaving Taylor with nothing but her underwear, “Ready for round ‘I lost count’?”

Taylor chuckled before pulling Karlie close again to place a fervent kiss on Karlie’s ear and to whisper, “Of course,” and tugged the younger girl’s shirt off. 

Karlie lent down to place a trail of bites from the center between Taylor’s breasts down to the base of her navel. Taylor gasps with each bite and dug her nails into Karlie’s shoulders. Karlie let out a moan; Taylor digging her nails into her skin is only encouraging her more.  She decides to tease Taylor a bit by pushing her underwear to the side and letting her knuckles graze Taylor’s clit ever so lightly.

Karlie removed her hands from Taylor’s underwear earning an unpleasing groan from the shorter girl and moved back up to cup Taylor’s boobs. She grazed her thumbs over Taylor’s hardened nips and then replaced the slight touch with the flickers of her tongue. She then moved up to place a deep kiss on Taylor’s lips before nibbling and tugging on the girl’s bottom lip between her teeth, pulling her underwear down at the same time.

Karlie released Taylor’s lips and made her way south again deciding she has teased the squirming girl enough. Karlie wasted no time to push her tongue in and out of Taylor’s core earning a pleasing moan and more nail marks on her shoulders. Karlie moved her left hand from Taylor’s thigh to place her thumb on Taylor’s clit and moving it in a circular motion.

Taylor quickly entangled her fingers into Karlie’s short locks, wrapped her legs around her shoulders, and came. Taylor moaned and allowed herself to fall flat onto the island. Karlie smirked at the tired sight of the shorter girl and placed a kiss on her lips.

“I still want the cookies, Karls.”

A/N: Here's chapter three! Thanks for reading guys! Once again, I love love love any comments you guys have to say. Leave a little something! Everything is appreciated! :D

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