🚨Chapter 1🚨

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"Ey yo, what's going on?" A guy said "Boss we're celebrating, Felix got a shit load of drugs for us to sell" a worker said.

"Felix huh? You mean that teenage boy that came in a few mouths ago" he ask.

"Yep, he's over there" the worker pointed at Felix direction, the guy smirked as he saw Felix drunk and around some guys. He walked up to him, clearly knowing he's drunk but that didn't bother him.

"Boss I'm glad you came" a guy who was around Felix said.

"Yeah I had to" he started checking Felix out "so this is the guy who made me half of what I usually make in a month" the guys shook their heads "let me thank him in private" they all playful hit Felix on his shoulders saying 'great job' and 'good luck'.

"hEy, wHeRe y'All goIng?"Felix said stumbling a bit "hi, I came to thank you for the great work you did" he said putting his hand on Felix's shoulder.

"oH, yoUr wElcoMe" he said almost falling down "woah are you ok?" He said catching him and picking him up "let's go somewhere else".

"I dOn't waNt tO" Felix said as he shook off the guy hand from his shoulder "aww come on baby boy, let's go somewhere else" he guy pulled him harder but Felix finally fought back "I said no!" He said pushing him and trying to walk away.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He grab Felix, pulling and sneezing his arm, Felix whimper as his grip got stronger. The guy like the feeling of dominance he got, his hand start running around Felix body, feeling everything and suddenly his hand was going into Felix's pants.

Felix flinch and pulled away, grabbing his gun and pointed it at the man "d-don't touch me" he said crying, everyone's attention was on them, they didn't care what their boss did, they were mad at Felix for pointing a gun at the boss, now they all might be punish for Felix silly mistake.

"Put the gun down or things will get physical" the boss warn but Felix didn't listen and it pissed him off "if you don't put your gun down the money I made today no one will get none!" He shouted to make sure everyone heard.

Everyone groan and started throwing whatever they had in their hands at Felix but not to hit him, just to scare him.

Felix saw all the cups and bottles being thrown beside him, he understood why everyone would be mad all the drugs they had to get was super hard, he put down his hand and apologize, everyone sigh and went back to doing what they were doing.

"Good boy" he said walking closer "but you will be punished" he whispered in Felix ear "no money for you".

"BULLSHIT!!" Felix yelled as he raise the gun but mistakenly pulled the trigger, shooting the guy in his leg "shit! Sorry, I'm so sorry"

"Felix what the hell man!!" A guy said as he came to assist his boss "I'm-" suddenly blue light and sirens was all over the place "IT'S THE POLICE!!" Someone yelled and everyone started running.

Felix was too drunk so running was a challenge for him, he fell down mistakenly on the trail of blood his boss left and fell unconscious.

*24 hours later*

"Ah fuck, where am I?" Felix said holding his head while getting up.

"You're in jail sweetheart" a police officer said as he came up to his cell "we found your body, bloody with a gun in your hands, you were also in an area where we suspect drug traffickers were, so do you want to talk about that or do want to hold hands and sing a happy song with me?"

"Pff~ this is why I hate the police" Felix said rolling his eyes

"Look here you piece of shit! We have to have evidence for us to continue his case so you will go and tell the judge that you work with drug traffickers" the police officer snap.

"Ha why would I do that?" Felix mocked "because we know you have a sick mother at home and you want to get out of here to see her, right?"

"H-how did you know?"

"We just do"

"Well confessing won't do shit for her so you could fuck off" Felix said showing the officer his middle finger.

"Whatever but you're still going in jail for possession of a firearm and being on private property so be ready for your hearing" he police officer said and left.

Felix went back to lie down but you could of hear soft sobs coming from his cell, he needs to make sure that his mother take her medicine tonight or her health would be at risk.

"Mom, I-i miss you"


Hope you enjoy the book

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