🚨 Chapter 11🚨

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"Yeah you're right we should go but first we can't leave no witnesses" Felix smirk, he was about to pull the trigger but suddenly the Judge talked.

"I know who did it" she quickly speak up "I'm sorry...I know who killed your mother".

Chan stood there rethink everything what he stand for, this father was a police and even his brother so he grew up thinking that all police officers are loyal to their job and some how he started thinking that people who work by the law is trust worthy people.

"Tell me a name and I'll find him, also..." He look at Chan "I hope you stop thinking that way, it's really annoying" Chan's eyes was full of regret and confusion.

"Changbin is the person who was hired" she said "please don't kill me" she begged.

"Ok I'll leave but I want to know why?"

"Y-your mother had a lot of land under her name, with that land they could sell it for so much money but she wasn't dying anytime soon and then I saw that she put your name to inherit the land but with you in jail, they just wanted to speed up the process and they killed her".

"They? They? Who the fuck is they!" he shouted, the judge flinch.

"I-i don't k-know, they just wanted me to make it official that they own your mother's land now"

"Ok thanks for the help" Felix didn't hesitate and he shot her in cold blood, the gun didn't make any noice at all but Chan yelled out Felix.

Fuck Felix saw lights from another room in the house came on "go" he whispered to Chan, Chan couldn't process what happen just now, he literally was standing two feet away but couldn't stop Felix from taking some else life.

Felix grab Chan hand and pulled him to the window, they quickly climbed down and hid, they waited until the light turn off and lucky it did.

They got back on the road and ran to the motel, Chan was freaking out as they reach back "I can't believe you killed her!!"

"Dude can you calm down" Felix said as he drop his body on the bed feeling satisfied with what he did.

"Stop that! I help you but this is taking it too far!" Chan was uneasy.

"You're only freaking out because you think we'll get caught but there's no evidence that we were ever there so chill out also if I didn't kill her we would have a even bigger problem".

"How can you be so calm about these kind of things!?"

"Because these kind of people deserve to die"

"I...I can't help people like you" Chan said as he went to the door "Where are you going?"

"I'm not a criminal and i can't stand to be next to one" Chan said as he left.

"Whatever I don't need you" Felix said and then the door was slam shut, at that moment Felix felt lonely, ever since his mother die Chan was by his side so he never felt alone. It's only been 10 minutes that Chan left and Felix already miss him, he cuddle up in this little blanket and fell asleep.

*Chan pov*

"Don't need me" Chan scoffed "I payed for the motel and bought you food this whole time and then say you don't need me, yeah right" Chan was walking, at first he didn't know where to go but then he got an idea.

"Ya! Who visit someone 3 in the night!?" Minho yelled as he opened the door of his house "Chan?" He said and then pulled him inside "what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't stay with that criminal anymore"

Minho was a little angry that Chan hates all criminals, well Minho was the same way too but Han Jisung change his way of thinking and he was hoping that Felix would do the same with Chan but Chan is still the same "did you guys get had an argument?" Minho ask.

"Yeah and you want to know why?" Minho nodded "because he fucking killed someone... no not just someone a judge, A FUCKING JUDGE".

"Well I didn't expect him to go that far but maybe....-"

"No don't say that! We are the police we are the good guys!" Chan said "Chan you have to get in your head not all police officers are good people, stop treating criminals so differently" Minho said but Chan ignored him.

"I'm tired, let's just go to sleep, forget this conversation" Chan said walking up the stairs.

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